Lost in the Funhouse Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lost in the Funhouse Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What sets beside the lady on the cigar box?
(a) A five-stringed lyre
(b) A flute
(c) A stack of books
(d) A small bassinette

2. What does the narrator say triangulation is?
(a) Determining a position using two or more compass bearings
(b) It is a form of homicide
(c) Trying to use at least three different descriptions for a character
(d) It is when two boys like the same girl

3. What does Ambrose think will happen when he never comes out of the funhouse?
(a) His father will be very angry
(b) Magda will never marry for grief of his death
(c) The police will come and there will be a story in the paper
(d) Peter will marry Magda

4. What do Peter and Magda do while Ambrose’s father is searching for Ambrose?
(a) Go under the boardwalk and make out
(b) Play another game on the boardwalk
(c) Eat French fries
(d) Go swimming

5. What does the narrator say is a symptom of nervous tension?
(a) Violent, repeating yawning
(b) Pacing
(c) Shuffling one’s feet
(d) Staring off into the distance

6. How does Magda peel a banana?
(a) With her toes
(b) She cuts the peel with a fingernail
(c) With both hands
(d) Using one hand and her teeth

7. What example does Ambrose use to show he has more imagination than Peter?
(a) Talking about life at college in detail
(b) Knowing exactly how it will feel to be married
(c) Telling Peter how Magda will look as an adult
(d) Describing a trip to the moon

8. What does Ambrose realize when he is the first person through the tumble-barrel room?
(a) Peter was taking over with Magda
(b) The point was not to get through it quickly
(c) He dropped his flashlight
(d) He did not see Magda fall

9. What does the narrator say alternates back and forth in a narrative?
(a) Characterization and Description
(b) Exciting parts and boring parts
(c) Action and dialogue
(d) Dramatization and summarization

10. What does the narrator say is the way to maintain control of one’s voice?
(a) Talking soberly and listening consciously to your voice
(b) Watch other people’s lips and follow their lead
(c) Speak very quickly
(d) Speak in as deep a voice as possible

11. What is Magda doing while she leans forward in her seat after spotting the Towers?
(a) Trying to look at the book that Ambrose’s mother is reading
(b) Playing cow poker
(c) Resting her head on the back of the front seat so she can nap
(d) Watching the miles go by on the odometer

12. What does Ambrose imagine about his work when he is an adult?
(a) He will be very famous in his line of work
(b) It will help to save the world
(c) It will be work that will impress Magda
(d) It will be something only super intelligent people can do

13. What does Peter say is the reason Uncle Karl wants to go to the beach?
(a) He likes to watch the women
(b) He likes to body surf
(c) He likes to get a good tan
(d) He likes to surf fish

14. At what age are people when the narrator says some people hit their stride?
(a) Around thirty
(b) The middle teens
(c) When they hit the twenties
(d) After marriage

15. Many of what kind of machines are out of order in the penny arcade?
(a) The fortune telling machines
(b) The skit bowling machines
(c) The pinball machines
(d) The digger machines

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the character who is advertising the funhouse?

2. For what does Ambrose think there should be a button?

3. How does Ambrose see under the boardwalk?

4. Over what does Ambrose’s mother chide his father?

5. What does Ambrose think is different about himself from others?

(see the answer keys)

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