The Lord of the Rings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Lord of the Rings Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 171 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why are the hobbits not able to leave Tom's house the morning after Tom finds and takes them in?
(a) Merry is still suffering from the injury he received from the Willow.
(b) Sam is very sick after sampling some of Goldberry's wine.
(c) It is raining too hard for them to leave.
(d) They have run out of food.

2. What does Frodo do when he sees his friends in danger in the Barrow?
(a) He runs around blindly trying to save them.
(b) He sings a call for Tom.
(c) He uses the elven sword to fight for them.
(d) He is paralyzed in fear and passes out.

3. What does Gimli say that Frodo's mithril shirt is worth more than?
(a) The Ring itself.
(b) The entire Shire.
(c) Half the jewels of Moria.
(d) A star.

4. What name is Frodo using to conceal his identity when they enter Bree?
(a) Mr. Rider
(b) Gandalf Stormcrow.
(c) Mr. Underhill.
(d) Bilbo Baggins.

5. Who is conspicuously absent from the feast at Rivendell after Frodo wakes up?
(a) Arwen.
(b) Aragorn.
(c) Elrond.
(d) Pippen.

6. What is so different about the Old forest?
(a) The trees talk to the people who journey through it.
(b) The trees are alive and aware of who enters.
(c) The trees are all dead.
(d) The trees house evil spirits.

7. What does Pippin use to cut the ropes he and Merry are bound with?
(a) The sword of a fallen Orc.
(b) The helmet of the Orc who is carrying him.
(c) His teeth.
(d) The broach from his elven cloak.

8. How is Gandalf allowed to keep his staff when entering Theodyn's hall?
(a) He bewitches his staff to be invisible.
(b) He threatens the guard.
(c) He hides his staff.
(d) He tricks the guard.

9. What makes the pool of Keled-zaram so unusual?
(a) It is pure water with healing powers.
(b) It is filled with blood.
(c) It mirrors the mountains and stars even in the sunlight.
(d) It is a burial ground for Dwarf warriors.

10. How old was Bilbo turning at his big birthday party at the beginning of the book?
(a) 90.
(b) 150.
(c) 111.
(d) 200.

11. Who says they will be part of the companionship of the ring, or be sent home in sacks?
(a) Merry and Pippen.
(b) Boromir and Faramir.
(c) Aragor and Arwen.
(d) Bilbo and Fatty.

12. Who saves Eomer from the orc pretending to be dead?
(a) Gimli.
(b) Legolas.
(c) Gandalf.
(d) Aragorn.

13. What is surprising about the orcs that attacked the fellowship at the seat of Amon Lhaw?
(a) They were too easy to kill.
(b) They are not from Mordor.
(c) They attacked in daylight.
(d) They were not prepared well for battle, but were sent in large numbers.

14. What does Galadriel do when she meets Gimli that makes him so happy?
(a) Speaks to the party of all the greatness of the dwarves.
(b) Sings a tribute for Balin.
(c) Gives him a gift.
(d) Speaks to him in the dwarvish tongue.

15. What does Gimli promise to do for Legolas as they ride through the forest towards Isengard?
(a) Share the spoils of the next victory.
(b) Die by his side in battle if necessary.
(c) Be a life-long friend.
(d) Take him on a tour of his home caves.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the elves do to protect the hobbits when they find them wandering in the woods?

2. What has caused the oddities of the Old forest?

3. What do the Black Riders look like when Frodo is wearing the Ring?

4. What pulls Gandalf down into the abyss with the Balrog?

5. What are the last words written in the history book that Gandalf finds in the tomb of Balin?

(see the answer keys)

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