Lord of the Flies Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lord of the Flies Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Jack say “doesn’t count at this end of the island” in Chapter 9: “A View to a Death”?
(a) “The stone.”
(b) “The king.”
(c) “The torch.”
(d) “The conch.”

2. What is the name of the littlun that first approaches the naval officer in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?
(a) Percival.
(b) Bill.
(c) Phil.
(d) Henry.

3. What is Ralph said to be laying in at the beginning of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?
(a) A covert.
(b) A pile of hay.
(c) A pig den.
(d) A cave.

4. In the end of Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters,” Ralph is said to weep for “the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart,” and for the death of what “true, wise friend”?
(a) Sam.
(b) Jack.
(c) Simon.
(d) Piggy.

5. What symbolic object in the novel was destroyed when Piggy died?
(a) The knife.
(b) The staff.
(c) The pig's head.
(d) The shell.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the second tactic used by Jack’s tribe to flush Ralph from the thicket in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?

2. Ralph says to the boys in Chapter 11: “Castle Rock” that when they approach Jack’s camp “we won’t be painted because we aren’t” what?

3. Piggy says as they relight the fire in Chapter 10: “The Shell and the Glasses,” “If only we could make a” what?

4. How are the hunters able to find the wounded sow in Chapter 8: “Gift for the Darkness”?

5. Who cuts the sow’s neck with a knife in Chapter 8: “Gift for the Darkness”?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Jack differ from Ralph as a leader, as seen in Chapter 10: “The Shell and the Glasses”?

2. What conflicts arise when Jack arrives at the fort in Chapter 11: “Castle Rock”?

3. What suggestions do Piggy and Simon make following the meeting in Chapter 8: “Gift for the Darkness”?

4. How does Ralph attempt to escape the hunters in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?

5. Why does Ralph begin running for the beach and shelters in Chapter 12: “Cry of the Hunters”?

6. What is represented metaphorically through the killing of the sow in Chapter 8: “Gift for the Darkness”?

7. Why does Ralph go to Jack’s fort in Chapter 11: “Castle Rock”? What does he encounter when he arrives?

8. What argument ensues between Ralph and his companions regarding the fire in Chapter 10: “The Shell and the Glasses”?

9. What is illustrated by the fact that many of the boys begin to disappear from Ralph’s camp in Chapter 8: “Gift for the Darkness”?

10. What do Jack and Ralph argue about during their journey in Chapter 7: “Shadows and Tall Trees”?

(see the answer keys)

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