Lord of Misrule Test | Final Test - Medium

Jaimy Gordon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lord of Misrule Test | Final Test - Medium

Jaimy Gordon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What season is described as it passes in Chapter 29?
(a) Fall.
(b) Spring.
(c) Summer.
(d) Winter.

2. How much was the claim the racing association paid to redeem Little Spinoza, according to the narrator in Part II of Results?
(a) $7,000.
(b) $3,000.
(c) $4,000.
(d) $5,000.

3. What horse does Maggie prepare for the race in Chapter 35?
(a) High Soprano.
(b) Pelter.
(c) Lord of Misrule.
(d) The Mahdi.

4. What horse is Jojo Wood riding in the race in Chapter 32?
(a) Boll Weevil.
(b) Lord of Misrule.
(c) Pelter.
(d) Grizzly.

5. What does Tommy say he wants Maggie to give Pelter before the race in Chapter 21?
(a) Bute.
(b) Horse-goofer dust.
(c) Raw oats.
(d) Honey.

Short Answer Questions

1. On what horse is Maggie planning to bet in the race in Chapter 34?

2. Who has Medicine Ed begun working for in Part II of Results?

3. What does Two-Tie remind himself to keep himself from killing Joe Dale in Chapter 28?

4. What people are described in Part II of Results as gambling "themselves into slavery with a laugh"?

5. Who calls Two-Tie to tell him who Maggie left with in Chapter 25?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does the horse named the Lord of Misrule represent symbolically in the story?

2. What does Deucey reveal to Medicine Ed before the fourth race? Why does this information lead to inner conflict for Medicine Ed?

3. What are Joe Dale's objectives in Chapter 29? Does he achieve those objectives?

4. How does the author demonstrate dramatic irony in Chapter 24?

5. Why do you think the author has chosen to relate the events of the race in past tense in Chapter 22?

6. How is the abandoned racetrack described in the novel? What does it symbolize?

7. What foreshadowing is related to the blue Cadillac in the novel?

8. How does Maggie attempt her escape in Chapter 28?

9. What does Tommy say about Maggie's newspaper columns in "Results"?

10. What are Medicine Ed's primary concerns and conflicts after the race in Chapter 39?

(see the answer keys)

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