Lord of Chaos Test | Final Test - Hard

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Lord of Chaos Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is the Red Hand Band following Gareth Bryne's army?

2. Who will teach Egwene the etiquette of her new position?

3. What does Coiren bring with her to the meeting with Rand?

4. What is the minimum number of Aes Sedai it takes to keep Rand from reaching the One Power?

5. What does Berelain find in Rand's room?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Rand learn of the location of Elayne and what does he do about it?

2. Why do you think Egwene is raised to the Amryrlin Seat and is this a legitimate position?

3. How is Nynaeve being pressured by the Aes Sedai in power at Salidar and what happens that changes that?

4. Why is Egwene so formally summoned to Salidar and what is her reaction?

5. Why do Elayne and Nynaeve ignore Mat during the trip to Ebou Dar and is this fair of them?

6. Who is most suspicious of Rand's absence and how do they finally decide that something is amiss?

7. What does Min see about Perrin and Rand and should this be taken seriously?

8. What happens to Perrin when he and Faile arrive in Caemlyn and how does this demonstrate one of the author's agendas?

9. What happens in the epilogue that might in future volumes prove dangerous for Nynaeve?

10. Why does Egwene have ji'e'toh" (toh) to the Wise Ones and what is done about it?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Who do you think Rand trusts in this book and is his trust well founded? Who does he mistrust and why? Give specific examples.

Rand supports Mazrim Taim in opening a school for men who can channel. Discuss one of the following:

Thoroughly describe and analyze the school for men who can channel and discuss if you think the school is necessary for Rand's goals.

Is it wise to train men who can channel knowing that Saidin is tainted and many if not all, men go insane after regularly using the One Power. Take a stance and defend it with examples.

How does Rand's foresight in granting amnesty to men who can channel and setting up the school impact the action in Lord of Chaos?

Essay Topic 2

In Chapter 18, Rand visits the School of Cairhien, a school he set up to preserve knowledge from previous Ages. Discuss the following:

Why do you think Rand set up this school? Do you think it is a good idea?

Why do you think the school is mentioned in LORD OF CHAOS? Does it add anything to the plot?

What is the implication of Rand setting up this type of school?

Do you think this school will help Rand at Tarmon Gai'don?

Essay Topic 3

Symbols are an important part of the story of LORD OF CHAOS. Some of the symbols carry over from other books in the series. Discuss one of the following:

One of the most important symbols of the entire Wheel of Time series is that of the Dragon. Discuss and analyze using specific examples the symbol of the dragon.

One of the characters, Min Farseer, sees symbols circling the heads of many of the characters. Discuss the symbols Min sees circling the heads of three of the characters.

There are a number of symbols associated with both Mat and Perrin. Discuss these and their meanings.

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