Lord of Chaos Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

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Lord of Chaos Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the three Ogiers who visit Rand demand?

2. What are the tower Aes Sedai planning?

3. What does Taim want to do?

4. Of what does Egwene warn Rand?

5. What has Rand offered men who can channel?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Alanna do to Rand and what is Rand's reaction? Is Alanna's action ethical?

2. How does the Ogiers's visit provide a bit of both comic relief and relief from the intensity of much of the events in the book?

3. Do you think Lews Therin and Rand are the same soul?

4. In Chapter 25, what is the situation that creates dramatic irony?

5. What does Taim want to do and is the training of men who can channel wise or justified given the taint on Saidin?

6. In the Prologue, the Tower and Shaido Aiel make a pact to take down Rand--do you think the Shaido can be trusted to follow the agreement?

7. What do readers learn about Padan Fain?

8. What is Robert Jordan's style that seems to compel the reader ever forward in reading Lord of Chaos?

9. Over what is Aviendha agonizing in Chapter 19 and how do you think this will influence her relationship with Elayne?

10. What does Sammael tell Graendal and how is her reaction ironic?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Politics and manipulation influence much of what happens in LORD OF CHAOS, including some of Rand's choices in response to others attempting to manipulate him. Discuss one of the following:

Describe the political situation in LORD OF CHAOS and how it impacts the actions of three of the major characters.

Discuss and analyze several people who try to manipulate Rand and his responses to them.

Rand states over and over that he is only trying to fulfill his role as the Dragon Reborn and is not interested in politics. Do you think this is true or not? Discuss fully with examples. Include a discussion of how Rand could use manipulation/politics to smooth his way.

Essay Topic 2

Wise Ones of the Aiel are similar to Aes Sedai in that they are able to wield the one power. Discuss one of the following:

Compare/contrast Wise Ones to Aes Sedai.

Would you rather join the ranks of the Wise Ones or Aes Sedai if you knew you could channel? Explain fully.

All Wise Ones are not good, nor are all Aes Sedai good. What are the increased dangers of those who can channel being darkfriends versus just normal human beings? Why do you think there are there more black Ajah than Wise Ones who have gone over to the Dark Lord?

Essay Topic 3

In LORD OF CHAOS, there seems to be more individuals/groups who are not trustworthy than are: Discuss one of the following:

Name two groups/factions/individuals who are untrustworthy and analyze their actions and impact upon the plot throughout Lord of Chaos.

Name two groups/factions/individuals who are trustworthy and analyze their actions and impact upon the plot throughout Lord of Chaos.

Who do you think Rand trusts in this book and is his trust well founded? Who does he mistrust and why? Give specific examples.

(see the answer keys)

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