Lord of Chaos Test | Final Test - Medium

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Lord of Chaos Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To whom has Lan's warder bond been transferred?
(a) Egwene.
(b) Myrelle.
(c) Nynaeve.
(d) Elayne.

2. Where does Mat halt his army?
(a) Near Illian.
(b) Inside Tear.
(c) Just outside of Salidar.
(d) Near Caemylin.

3. Where do Nynaeve and Elayne decide to search for the weather bowl?
(a) Rahad.
(b) Tanchico.
(c) Hadra.
(d) Falme.

4. What does Rand do when he learns that there are a total of 13 Aes Sedai at the inn?
(a) Asks for Nynaeve and Elayne's help.
(b) Goes to Tear.
(c) Gathers 13 Ash'aman around him.
(d) Goes to Cairhien.

5. To what does Nynaeve confess?
(a) To already setting plans in motion to travel to Ebar Dou.
(b) To capturing Moghedien as her slave.
(c) Nothing.
(d) To marrying Lan in secret.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Berelain find in Rand's room?

2. What do the Aes Sedai tell Egwene as to why they summon her?

3. What position does Egwene confer upon Sheriam?

4. What rank is equal to an Aes Sedai among the male channelers?

5. Why is Faile angry with Perrin?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Perrin when he and Faile arrive in Caemlyn and how does this demonstrate one of the author's agendas?

2. How well does it seem Egwene is adapting to her position and how does her position in some ways parallel Rand's position?

3. How does Rand learn of the location of Elayne and what does he do about it?

4. Why do you think Egwene is raised to the Amryrlin Seat and is this a legitimate position?

5. Why does Egwene have ji'e'toh" (toh) to the Wise Ones and what is done about it?

6. What happens in the epilogue that might in future volumes prove dangerous for Nynaeve?

7. What are the implications of Nynaeve's discovery with Logain and how does Siuan trick Nynaeve so Nynaeve can heal Siuan and Leanne?

8. What does Rand do when the Salidar Aes Sedai attempt to congratulate him on his release and how is this a fulfillment of prophesy?

9. Who is most suspicious of Rand's absence and how do they finally decide that something is amiss?

10. How is Nynaeve being pressured by the Aes Sedai in power at Salidar and what happens that changes that?

(see the answer keys)

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