Lord of Chaos Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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Lord of Chaos Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 34 through 39.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Loial's mother looking for him?
(a) To tell him he needs to settle down.
(b) To ask him to guard one of the Waygates.
(c) To tell him that his father has died.
(d) To find out if he is alright after she has a terrible dream.

2. Where does Mat halt his army?
(a) Near Illian.
(b) Inside Tear.
(c) Just outside of Salidar.
(d) Near Caemylin.

3. What happens as a result of the evil bubble?
(a) Horses start dying.
(b) People start killing each other.
(c) People start turning into Shadowspawn.
(d) Inanimate objects start flying around hitting people.

4. To what does Nynaeve confess?
(a) Nothing.
(b) To marrying Lan in secret.
(c) To capturing Moghedien as her slave.
(d) To already setting plans in motion to travel to Ebar Dou.

5. What does Egwene see while she is in Cairhien?
(a) Lan.
(b) Moiraine.
(c) Rand being attacked by several nobles's armies.
(d) A group of Aes Sedai riding towards the palace.

Short Answer Questions

1. What unexpected proclamation does Egwene make in her speech?

2. To whom does Rand return one of the assassins?

3. Who will teach Egwene the etiquette of her new position?

4. What does Egwene try to do when Gawyn's dream envelops her?

5. What do the assembled war leaders suggest to Rand?

(see the answer key)

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