Lord Hornblower Test | Final Test - Medium

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Lord Hornblower Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Hornblower find the visit by the French royal sent to Le Havre annoying?
(a) He doesn't want the VIP to interfere with how he is running things in Le Havre.
(b) He thinks England is sending the wrong person.
(c) He meets the VIP before and isn't impressed.
(d) He hates pomp and circumstance and protocol.

2. What does the local magistrate tell the Comte after he is captured by Napoleon's troops?
(a) Napoleon is prepared to deal generously if he cooperates.
(b) He is free to go.
(c) He is found guilty of treason.
(d) He is found guilty of capital war crimes.

3. What is one of the many things Hornblower does in his new position in Le Havre?
(a) Listen to complaints about English treatment of the new liberated citizens of Le Havre.
(b) Set up a spy network and infiltrate nearby towns.
(c) Plan and liberate other French ports.
(d) Inspect the French troops every morning.

4. How does Hornblower know the Comte de Graçay?
(a) He is a prisoner Hornblower captures then ransoms.
(b) He is a good friend of Lord St. Vincent.
(c) He is a friend who shelters Hornblower when he is a fugitive.
(d) He is a spy who Hornblower has dealings with before.

5. What is Hornblower's relationship to Marie la Vicomtesse de Graçay?
(a) An ex-lover.
(b) His wife Barbara's best friend.
(c) His son's governess.
(d) His ex-governess.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does placards promise for the Comte's followers?

2. What does Hornblower think of Brown's plans?

3. Who does Hornblower have on board the Porta Coeli?

4. Instead of returning to England, what does Hornblower decide to do while in Nevers?

5. What does the local magistrate tell Hornblower after he is captured by Napoleon's troops?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happens to Marie at the end of the book and why is this significant?

2. With the wars end, what decision does Barbara make that puts a further strain on her relationship with Hornblower?

3. In the end, no fighting is necessary at Rouen, why?

4. With Le Havre declaring for the French King, what does Hornblower's superiors in England do?

5. How does C. S. Forester show that the English admire and think well of Hornblower and his actions? What does this show us about Hornblower?

6. How does Hornblower react to Barbara's presence?

7. What does the Mayor of Le Havre do when he meets Hornblower? Why is this significant?

8. What are some of the reasons that Hornblower doesn't return immediately to England?

9. Who surprises Hornblower by visiting him at Le Havre? Why is this surprising?

10. Why doesn't Hornblower go to Vienna with his wife Barbara?

(see the answer keys)

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