Lord Hornblower Test | Final Test - Medium

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Lord Hornblower Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Hornblower afraid of when he hears Dobbs' news?
(a) There is not enough time to put up a defense.
(b) Baron Momas play traitor again and renegotiate with the Bonapartists.
(c) The visiting royal wants to lead the attack.
(d) A prolonged siege at Le Havre.

2. How does Marie die?
(a) She falls into the river and drowns.
(b) She is bayoneted when she tries to escape.
(c) She bleeds to death in Hornblower's arms.
(d) She is trampled when her horse is shot from under her.

3. What is the news from the war front (April 1814) not long after Hornblower secures Rouen?
(a) Napoleon is marching back to Rouen.
(b) The Admiralty abandones the blockade.
(c) General Blücher captures Paris.
(d) Wellington lostes an engagement to the French.

4. What does Hornblower plan to do with the Duke d'Angoulême?
(a) Work with him because he is royalty.
(b) Have him sent back to England.
(c) Denounce him as a secret Bonapartist.
(d) Have him discredited with the citizens of Le Havre.

5. Hornblower tries to save Brown by claiming what?
(a) Brown is there due to misguided loyalties and thus should not be held accountable.
(b) Brown is a seaman and following orders.
(c) Brown is a prisoner who Hornblower is holding for ransom.
(d) Brown is not in his right mind.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Hornblower angry at the Duke d'Angoulême?

2. What does Napoleon do (April 1814) not long after Hornblower secures Rouen?

3. What news arrives to make Hornblower's plan for the militia an almost guaranteed success?

4. How does Hornblower know the Comte de Graçay?

5. What is surprising about the city of Nevers?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some of the reasons that Hornblower doesn't return immediately to England?

2. What does Hornblower find in Nevers?

3. What is Napoleon Bonaparte's response to Le Havre's liberation? Why?

4. Why does Hornblower's decision to go back to France make Brown so happy?

5. What does Hornblower plan to do with the militia sent to bolster Le Havre's defenses? Why?

6. Two important historical events follow soon after Hornblower's capture of Rouen. What are they? Why are they significant?

7. In the end, no fighting is necessary at Rouen, why?

8. On the evening of Brown's marriage to his sweetheart, the Comte relays some bad news to Hornblower. What is the news and how does it affect Hornblower?

9. Who surprises Hornblower by visiting him at Le Havre? Why is this surprising?

10. Why doesn't Hornblower go to Vienna with his wife Barbara?

(see the answer keys)

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