Looking Backward: 2000-1887 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Looking Backward: 2000-1887 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the narrator do to remedy his disorder?
(a) Lock his bedroom door.
(b) Write reminder notes.
(c) Build a sleeping chamber.
(d) Take medication.

2. What do Julian and Dr. Leete talk about the first night Julian is in 2000?
(a) Love.
(b) His past.
(c) The future.
(d) Boston in 2000.

3. What is the last thing the narrator remembers?
(a) Going to bed.
(b) Talking to Sawyer.
(c) Eating dinner with Edith.
(d) The Decoration Day ceremony.

4. In terms of legislation, what is the system of 2000 dependent on?
(a) Law.
(b) Volunteerism.
(c) Obedience.
(d) Fear.

5. What does Dr. Leete call Edith when it comes to shopping?
(a) Fatigalbe.
(b) Indefatigable.
(c) A pro.
(d) Indecisive.

6. By the end on Chapter 14, what does Julian state is the most distinguishing facility of 2000?
(a) Architecture.
(b) Aquired wealth.
(c) Dignity given to the labor force.
(d) The education system.

7. Who is responsible for making sure labor supply equals demand?
(a) The people.
(b) The production department.
(c) The government.
(d) The top corporations.

8. Who don't people choose to go to school to avoid work?
(a) School is too rigorous.
(b) It is prohibited.
(c) They must work while in school.
(d) It would not be honorable.

9. What does Julian assume occurred for the change in Boston to have happened?
(a) Nuclear holocaust.
(b) Change in president.
(c) Worker revolution.
(d) War.

10. What two classes does this society consist of?
(a) Rich/educated and poor/uneducated.
(b) Upper class and servants.
(c) Educators and laborers.
(d) Middle class and lower class.

11. According to Dr. Leete, what do large conglomerations do?
(a) Effectively manage supply and demand.
(b) Create an unequal pay system.
(c) Treat workers fairly.
(d) Fix prices and destroy competition.

12. Who are professional schools open to?
(a) Anyone 21-30 years old.
(b) The upper class.
(c) All retired workers over 45.
(d) Men, 21-30 years old.

13. What is the function of clerks at the distribution center?
(a) There are no clerks.
(b) Convince buyers to select their products.
(c) Sell goods.
(d) Process orders.

14. When selecting a trade, who is preference given to?
(a) The most knowledgable.
(b) The strongest.
(c) The hardest working.
(d) There is no preference.

15. What does Dr. Leete claim really occurred?
(a) National strike.
(b) Acceptance of one govenment-run business.
(c) Nothing.
(d) World War.

Short Answer Questions

1. What group do the mentally and physically ill form?

2. What does the narrator say Human history is?

3. Who is able to listen to music in 1887?

4. After walking through the city, how does Julian find his way back to the Leete's home?

5. As the narrator looks around at Boston in 2000, what does he mention as the most noticeable difference between his time and the present?

(see the answer keys)

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