Looking for Alaska Test | Final Test - Medium

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Looking for Alaska Test | Final Test - Medium

John Green (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the first of the "warning signs of suicide" that Chip and Miles find on the web in "fourteen days after"?
(a) Previous suicide attempts.
(b) Dropping school grades.
(c) Threatening suicide.
(d) Loss of interest in activities.

2. What animal bites Miles on the rear as he and Takumi flee from the Eagle in “three days before”?
(a) A cat.
(b) A dog.
(c) A goose.
(d) A swan.

3. Who drives Miles and the others to Alaska's funeral in "six days after"?
(a) Takumi.
(b) Miles.
(c) Chip.
(d) The Eagle.

4. Where do Miles and Chip go to talk to the police about Alaska's death in "thirteen days after"?
(a) The Atlanta Police Department.
(b) The New Hope Police Department.
(c) The Homewood Police Department.
(d) The Pelham Police Department.

5. Who was Alaska's favorite playwright, according to Miles in "the day after"?
(a) Catherine O'Hara.
(b) Eugene O'Neill.
(c) Samuel Beckett.
(d) William Shakespeare.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Chip say he got Jake's phone number from in "twenty days after"?

2. What do Miles and Chip eat for dinner in the beginning of "twenty days after"?

3. What is the name of the "preeminent scholar of deviant sexuality in adolescents" that Chip and the others have concocted for their prank in "eighty-four days after"?

4. What is Maxx's real name, according to Miles in "one hundred two days after"?

5. With whom does Alaska tell the Eagle she is spending the weekend in “three days before”?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Miles's father assist in the development of the prank in "eighty-four days after"?

2. What information does Chip reveal to Takumi in "twenty-eight days after"? How does Takumi respond?

3. What does Chip reveal when he returns in "four days after"? Where has Chip been?

4. What takes place during the game of Truth or Dare in "the last day"? What causes Miles and Alaska to wake up?

5. What does Miles learn from Alaska's father at her funeral in "six days after"? What does Miles do after Alaska's father leaves?

6. How do Miles and his friends begin the pre-prank in "three days before"? How does Miles participate?

7. How does the Eagle respond when he catches Miles smoking in "twenty-seven days after"? What do Miles and Chip do after the Eagle leaves?

8. What realizations does Miles make after he discovers Alaska's doodle on the wall by the phone in "sixty-two days after"?

9. What words do Miles and Chip discover in Alaska's favorite book in "seven days after"? What do they infer from these words?

10. What emotions does Miles express following Alaska's death in "two days after"?

(see the answer keys)

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