Look Homeward, Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Look Homeward, Angel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Miss Smith?
(a) Ben's girlfriend
(b) A neighbor
(c) A prostitute at the boarding house
(d) A local store owner

2. As long as Ben is conscious what will he not allow?
(a) Anyone to cry
(b) Eliza to enter the room
(c) Eugene to see him so sick
(d) Gant to drink

3. Who falls in love with Laura James?
(a) Gant
(b) Ben
(c) Eugene
(d) Luke

4. Who comes to visit Eugene at school?
(a) Ben and Luke
(b) Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
(c) Eliza and Helen
(d) Gant and Daisy

5. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard do not think Eugene is ready to do what?
(a) Go to war
(b) Get married
(c) Start his own business
(d) Go off to college

6. In Part 3, Chapter 36 what important event has happened?
(a) The War has ended
(b) Gant dies
(c) Luke dies unexpectedly
(d) Ben has died

7. In Part 3, Chapter 38 what major event happens?
(a) There is another outbreak of disease
(b) The war ends
(c) There is a fire at Dixieland
(d) The is a Presidential election

8. How is Eugene received when he returns to the university?
(a) He is well accepted
(b) No one really knows he is there
(c) He is still not accepted
(d) He is a joke on campus

9. What is the center of Altamont called?
(a) The Square
(b) The Park
(c) The Mall
(d) The Commons

10. What family is particularly noted as being present at the funeral?
(a) The Pentlands
(b) The McGuires
(c) The Bartons
(d) The Leonards

11. Who does Eugene room with before going back to school?
(a) Luke
(b) Ben
(c) Gant
(d) Miss Smith

12. Where is Ben's funeral held?
(a) At Dixieland
(b) At the Methodist church
(c) At the Presbyterian church
(d) At the Baptist church

13. Where is Gant living at the end of the book?
(a) At Helen's house
(b) At his own home
(c) At a clinic
(d) In a back room at the boarding house

14. Who presides over the funeral?
(a) Eugene
(b) Dr. McGuire
(c) The Scottish Presbyterian minister
(d) The Southern Baptist minister

15. Who is Laura James?
(a) A fellow student
(b) A distant cousin
(c) A young prostitute
(d) The daughter of a wealthy merchant

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Laura leave the boarding house?

2. She writes Eugene a letter, what devastating news does it contain?

3. Where does Eugene go after the funeral?

4. Who does Eugene take with him?

5. Who is living with Ben?

(see the answer keys)

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