Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's Test | Final Test - Easy

John Elder Robison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's Test | Final Test - Easy

John Elder Robison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many times was John married?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 1.
(d) 2.

2. What happened to John's work on Dark Tower?
(a) He received an award for it.
(b) Another engineer took credit for it.
(c) It almost killed him.
(d) He never got to finish it.

3. Where did John meet Chris when Chris said that it was urgent to talk to John?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) New York.
(d) Cleveland.

4. What was Jack's condition like when he was born?
(a) Healthy.
(b) Sick.
(c) Premature.
(d) Crippled.

5. Who is Tony Atwood?
(a) The doctor who diagnosed John's Asperger's syndrome.
(b) The author of "Asperger's syndrome."
(c) The man who coined Asperger's syndrome.
(d) The man who gave John the book "Asperger's Syndrome."

6. How does John say things would be different if people chose spouses more wisely?
(a) There would be fewer children in the world.
(b) The divorce rate would be lower.
(c) The churches would not be as full.
(d) Children would be happier.

7. What did John have to do with Dark Tower?
(a) Reinvent it.
(b) Copy it.
(c) Update it.
(d) Digitize it.

8. What was John's nickname for his dog?
(a) Wiggle-butt.
(b) Pickles.
(c) Poodle.
(d) Wags.

9. How reliable were John's machines?
(a) 50%.
(b) 25%.
(c) 100%.
(d) 75%.

10. In what way were machines unlike friends, according to John?
(a) His friends never criticized him for being arrogant.
(b) His friends were often not happy with his nicknames for them.
(c) He had a hard time picking friends, but never picking machines.
(d) He could understand friends, but machines were just impersonal.

11. What was John's nickname for his father?
(a) Old Yeller.
(b) Grumpy.
(c) Hootie.
(d) Stupid.

12. How does John characterize the exchanges that take place between ordinary people?
(a) Customized.
(b) Acquired.
(c) Improvised.
(d) Intuitive.

13. When was John part of the "Return of KISS" tour?
(a) 1985.
(b) 1982.
(c) 1976.
(d) 1979.

14. Why was John stressed by losing his job at Simplex?
(a) Little Bear was not working, and he was the only breadwinner.
(b) He felt betrayed by management.
(c) He was angry because he felt he had been framed for poor performance.
(d) He had received such poor reviews he was afraid he would never find another job.

15. What was John afraid of after his son's birth?
(a) That he would lose his wife.
(b) That his son would be switched with another baby.
(c) That he might find out that he was not the father.
(d) That his son would die suddenly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does John say he didn't like?

2. What behavior does John say disconcerted people?

3. What was John's first nickname for his brother?

4. What unexpected force made it complicated to work at Milton Bradley?

5. What was NOT a special effect did Ace Frehley asked John to rig up?

(see the answer keys)

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