Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Elder Robison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

John Elder Robison
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What story did John get some insight into at this time?
(a) His mother told him why she had separated from his father.
(b) He discovered the definition of Aspergers syndrome.
(c) Dr. Finch explained his crazy behavior.
(d) Mary told him why she hadn't been talking to him.

2. What did Professor Edwards open up to John?
(a) The UMass athletic facility.
(b) The UMass computer courses.
(c) The UMass fraternity system.
(d) The UMass electronics labs.

3. What happened after Jim gave the firemen this advice?
(a) The firefighting efforts were slowed to a crawl because of the threat of explosives.
(b) Firefighters rushed into the building and were injured looking for people.
(c) The firefighters called for backup.
(d) They used water on the fire, but this only created an explosion.

4. What led to Dr. Finch's license being revoked?
(a) Hospitalization for insanity.
(b) Malpractice charges.
(c) Inappropriate relationships with his patients.
(d) Charges of insurance fraud.

5. What did John fantasize about, in the vehicle in the woods?
(a) Being a farmer.
(b) Being a combat pilot.
(c) Being a trucker.
(d) Being a race driver.

6. What strange behavior did Dr. Finch exhibit?
(a) Coming on to young students.
(b) Making animal noises in conversation.
(c) Walking around holding helium balloons.
(d) Refusing to bathe.

7. What good news does John describe in the winter of 1978?
(a) He got his GED.
(b) He started his own business.
(c) He reunited with Mary Trompke.
(d) He got a job with a band.

8. How did Jim start a fire?
(a) He spilled kerosene near a stove.
(b) His furnace exploded.
(c) Sparks ignited the gasoline in a vat.
(d) One of his sculptures combusted in the foundry.

9. What was John's nickname for his mother?
(a) Stupid.
(b) Slave.
(c) Darling.
(d) Angel.

10. How does John describe Mary?
(a) A shy, damaged kid.
(b) A thoughtful, patient kid.
(c) A fellow Aspergian.
(d) A healthy, outgoing kid.

11. What symptoms did John develop during this time?
(a) Nervous tics.
(b) Anorexia.
(c) Suicidal tendencies.
(d) Seizures.

12. How many speakers did John end up fixing at Britro?
(a) 19.
(b) 52.
(c) 44.
(d) 12.

13. What did John like about being on the road with bands?
(a) The music.
(b) The drugs.
(c) He forgot about his crazy family.
(d) Being famous.

14. How does John describe the change in his father, in chapter 6?
(a) His father was becoming less predictable.
(b) His father was becoming meaner.
(c) His father was turning senile.
(d) His father was getting more easygoing.

15. Why did John and his friends think the vehicle had been left in the woods?
(a) As a test by their parents.
(b) As a gift for them.
(c) As a trap for thieves.
(d) As a toy and a distraction.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does John characterize his relationship with Mary Trompke at this time?

2. How did John get revenge against his biology teacher?

3. What did John buy when he sold his first Porsche?

4. What warning did Jim give the firemen who responded to the fire?

5. What did John build from a kit at Christmas when he was thirteen?

(see the answer keys)

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