Look Both Ways Test | Final Test - Easy

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Look Both Ways Test | Final Test - Easy

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who owns the beauty supply store in Kenzi and Simeon's neighborhood?
(a) Mrs. Duvall.
(b) Mr. Wilson.
(c) Mrs. Wilson.
(d) Ms. Rothschild.

2. How is Candace related to Bryson?
(a) She is Bryson's sister.
(b) She is Bryson's mother.
(c) She is Bryson's cousin.
(d) She is Bryson's niece.

3. What do "giggles" refer to in "Ookabooka Land" (146)?
(a) Cigarette butts.
(b) Shots of liquor.
(c) Bouncy balls.
(d) Skateboards.

4. Where was Ty when he was kissed yesterday in "Call of Duty"?
(a) In history class.
(b) On the playground.
(c) At the water fountain.
(d) In science class.

5. Into whose backyard does Satchmo plan to run and hide if the dog jumps the fence in "Satchmo's Master Plan"?
(a) Mr. Jerry's.
(b) The Carters'.
(c) Ms. CeeCee's.
(d) The Wilsons'.

6. On what floor is Simeon's apartment in "Five Things Easier to Do than Simeon's and Kenzi's Secret Handshake"?
(a) The 4th floor.
(b) The 9th floor.
(c) The 7th floor.
(d) The 12th floor.

7. What street is past the line of trees behind the school, as Cyntha walks home in "Ookabooka Land"?
(a) Cross Street.
(b) Wilson Street.
(c) Anderson Street.
(d) Carigan Street.

8. Who does Cynthia tease about smelling bad on her way out of school in "Ookabooka Land"?
(a) Trey Larson.
(b) Gregory Pitts.
(c) Andrew Knotts.
(d) Remy Vaughn.

9. Who is Kenzi's brother in prison?
(a) Roger.
(b) Mason.
(c) Jackie.
(d) Chucky.

10. Who owned the rottweiler that bit Satchmo?
(a) Mr. Casson.
(b) Mr. Craig.
(c) Ms. Williams.
(d) Ms. Adams.

11. What is the name of the dog in Ty's home?
(a) Muffin.
(b) Max Payne.
(c) SuperMiss.
(d) King Henry.

12. Who is Simeon's teacher for his last class of the day in "Five Things Easier to Do than Simeon's and Kenzi's Secret Handshake"?
(a) Ms. Wilson.
(b) Mr. Davanzo.
(c) Mr. Smith.
(d) Ms. Anderson.

13. What does Bryson make himself for breakfast in the beginning of "Call of Duty"?
(a) Pancakes.
(b) Oatmeal.
(c) Cereal.
(d) Eggos.

14. What is Bryson's screen name for gaming?
(a) AfroGamer.
(b) WonderWolf.
(c) BrySON.
(d) Death Rage.

15. What is Ty's last name in "Call of Duty"?
(a) Williams.
(b) Smith.
(c) Carson.
(d) Anderson.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the crossing guard that hugs Kenzi every day in "Five Things Easier to Do than Simeon's and Kenzi's Secret Handshake"?

2. Into whose truck does Satchmo plan to jump if the dog jumps the fence in "Satchmo's Master Plan"?

3. What kind of business did Cinder own?

4. What is Satchmo's mother's profession?

5. What does Ty steal from a yard on his way to Bryson's after leaving school in "Call of Duty"?

(see the answer keys)

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