Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Dava Sobel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time Test | Final Test - Easy

Dava Sobel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Edmund Halley successfully predict?
(a) Celestial movements.
(b) The accuracy of a clock.
(c) The navigational currents of the Atlantic.
(d) The winner of the longitude prize.

2. How did astronomers feel about Harrison's clock idea for solving the problem of longitude?
(a) They saw potential but were still very skeptical.
(b) They thought that it was outrageous because it didn't require the intellect of the lunar theory.
(c) They thought it had promise and could be used in conjunction with the lunar theory.
(d) They thought it ridiculous because it would be too expensive to mass produce clocks.

3. What did Harrison need to do to prove the H-4 worked?
(a) Make two copies to prove that it could be duplicated.
(b) Draw the plans before the Board of Longitude.
(c) Take it apart and put it back together.
(d) Label an astronomical map.

4. What was the size of the H1?
(a) Five pounds and able to fit in a briefcase.
(b) Six ounces and the size of a modern wristwatch.
(c) Seventy pounds and enclosed in a 4x4x4 case.
(d) One hundred pounds and the size of a small car.

5. How much time did H-4 lose at sea when it was being tested?
(a) 45 seconds after 59 days.
(b) 5 seconds after 81 days.
(c) 3 minutes after 32 days.
(d) 8 minutes after 46 days.

6. What benefit did competition result in for clock making?
(a) Lowered price.
(b) More profit.
(c) Better maps.
(d) Increased costs.

7. What country was John Hadley from?
(a) United States.
(b) Spain.
(c) France.
(d) England.

8. What was different between H-4 and H-5?
(a) The H-5 was much larger than the H-4.
(b) The H-4 was made out of copper and the H-5 out of iron.
(c) The H-4 could tell time by the position of the sun.
(d) The H-5 was much simpler than the H-4.

9. Nevil Maskelyne was a major proponent of ___________.
(a) The lunar-distance method.
(b) The yelping dog method.
(c) A fair distribution of the prize moeny.
(d) A clock-based solution.

10. What happened to clockmaking after Harrison's death?
(a) Clockmaking boomed.
(b) Clockmaking halted.
(c) Clockmaking stalled.
(d) Clockmaking reversed in advancement.

11. How long did it take to build the K-1?
(a) Fourteen months.
(b) Seven motnhs.
(c) Two and a half years.
(d) Five years.

12. Which clock did Captain Cook select to use on his second voyage around the world?
(a) The H-2.
(b) The K-2.
(c) The H-4.
(d) The K-1.

13. Due to the astronomers' ______________, Harrison would face much resistance after he finished his greatest work.
(a) Egos.
(b) Classism.
(c) Elitism.
(d) Racism.

14. Who did Harrison first contact when he arrived in London?
(a) George Graham.
(b) Admiral Norris.
(c) Dr. James Bradley.
(d) Edmund Halley.

15. How long did it take Harrison to build H-2?
(a) Six months.
(b) Two years.
(c) Ten years.
(d) Five years.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who took Nathaniel Bliss's spot on the Board of Longitude?

2. Who was to test H-3 and H-4 at sea?

3. What did Harrison claim was wrong with Maskelyne's test of the H-4.

4. How many clocks did Kendall build?

5. Where did William sail on the second test of H-4?

(see the answer keys)

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