A Long and Happy Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Long and Happy Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rosacoke do after the funeral?
(a) Gets a ride with a friend.
(b) Calls a cab.
(c) Begins to walk home.
(d) Waits for Wesley.

2. What is Rosacoke's mother's name?
(a) Esther.
(b) Emily.
(c) Eileen.
(d) Emma.

3. What does Rosacoke think Wesley has grown accustomed to during his service in the Navy?
(a) Loose women.
(b) Taking orders.
(c) Swearing.
(d) Bad food.

4. Why is Willie Duke moving to Roanoke?
(a) To live with her aunt.
(b) To work in a beauty salon.
(c) To work in a restaurant.
(d) To go to college.

5. What was Mildred trying to hide the last time Rosacoke saw her?
(a) A bad haircut.
(b) A bruise on her face.
(c) Her pregnancy.
(d) A torn dress.

Short Answer Questions

1. With who did Rosacoke used to play in Mr. Isaac's woods?

2. Where does Willie's fiance land his plane?

3. What does Wesley want to do after everyone else leaves the picnic?

4. Why is Rosacoke mad at Wesley at the end of the chapter?

5. What was the cause of Mildred's death?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Rosacoke plan to do when it gets too late after visiting with Mildred's family?

2. Where does Rosacoke stop during her walk and with whom does she speak?

3. What does Rosacoke do when she as she walks home from the funeral?

4. Explain how Rosacoke and Wesley still have a huge disconnect in their relationship.

5. How is Rosacoke humiliated by Wesley on Sunday and how does she spend the afternoon?

6. What is Rosacoke's major dilemma as presented in Chapter 1?

7. Describe the letter that Wesley sends as a response to Rosacoke's not accepting his Thanksgiving invitation.

8. What does Rato do a few days before Christmas that reinforces his childlike ways?

9. How does A LONG AND HAPPY LIFE begin?

10. What is Wesley's solution to Rosacoke's pregnancy which they discuss in the car?

(see the answer keys)

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