Long Way Down Test | Final Test - Easy

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Long Way Down Test | Final Test - Easy

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Uncle Mark’s planned film about as told in Chapter Four?
(a) A guy who has no game, and is taught by his landlord to have game, then steals the landlord’s girl and is kicked out of his apartment.
(b) A love triangle between three people on the block.
(c) A documentary of the neighborhood.
(d) A retelling of Romeo and Juliet.

2. How does Buck tell Will he knows Frick in Chapter Six?
(a) Because Frick was a fellow hustler.
(b) Because Frick and he were friends.
(c) Because Frick murdered him.
(d) Because Frick had stolen from him.

3. What does Will feel when he realizes that his dad had killed the wrong guy?
(a) Disappointed.
(b) Sad.
(c) Indifferent.
(d) Angry.

4. What is Buck trying to show Shawn while Shawn is upset as said in Chapter Six?
(a) A basketball trick.
(b) A mix tape.
(c) A gold ring.
(d) A gold chain.

5. As said in Chapter Six, what had Buck done when Frick tried to rob him?
(a) Laugh at Frick.
(b) Bunk a basketball.
(c) Shoot Frick.
(d) Pinch Frick.

6. Who had taught Will’s dad The Rules as told by Chapter Five?
(a) Shawn.
(b) Will.
(c) Will's dad.
(d) Uncle Mark.

7. What does Uncle Mark say when Will says shooting is the end of the moving in Chapter Four?
(a) “You need to take writing lessons” (192).
(b) “It’s never the end” (192).
(c) “Don’t shoot him. Think of your future” (192).
(d) “That’s a bad ending” (192).

8. What is Will’s Random Thought No. 02 in Chapter Four?
(a) That answering a question with another question is a lie.
(b) That Uncle Mark is covering the truth.
(c) That Uncle Mark is trying to get him to not follow through with his plan.
(d) That answering a question with another question is a setup.

9. What do Will and his father do after Will’s dad tells his story in Chapter Five?
(a) Slap each other.
(b) Hug.
(c) Call the elevator help button.
(d) Yell at each other.

10. Where did Will’s dad find the guy who had killed Uncle Mark?
(a) Selling drugs on Uncle Mike’s corner.
(b) Crying at Uncle Mike’s grave.
(c) At the convenience store.
(d) At the bar.

11. What had Will seen Shawn do after Buck’s death as told in Chapter Six?
(a) Ask for comfort from their mother.
(b) Shoot Buck’s killer.
(c) Talk to the cops.
(d) Lock himself in his room, and put bullets into his gun.

12. What does Will feel like when he tries to finish the scene in Chapter Four?
(a) Like a brick is trapped in his throat.
(b) Like he will never be able to follow through with his actions.
(c) Like the words are trapped in his throat.
(d) Like he would not be a very good gangster.

13. What had people said about Buck’s heritage as said in Chapter Six?
(a) That he was raised for good, but had bad deeds in his blood.
(b) That he was changing his family’s heritage and lineage.
(c) That he was a corner turned in his family tree.
(d) That he was a chip off the old block.

14. What does Will’s dad tell him in the beginning of Chapter Five?
(a) That he wants Will to continue to follow The Rules.
(b) That he will let Will do what he needs to do.
(c) That he already knows everything.
(d) That he is proud of Will.

15. Where had the guy from the Dark Suns stopped Shawn, as told in Chapter Six?
(a) At the playground.
(b) At the payphone.
(c) Outside of the shop where Shawn had picked up his mother’s eczema soap.
(d) At the basketball court.

Short Answer Questions

1. How was Buck given his nickname as said in Chapter Six?

2. In Chapter Six, how does Buck get Frick to realize he is Buck?

3. Who comes on the elevator in Chapter Five?

4. Why had Frick shot Buck as said in Chapter Six?

5. What happens to the smoke when the elevator door opens in Chapter Four?

(see the answer keys)

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