Long Way Down Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Long Way Down Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jason Reynolds
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 175 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Buck tell Will to do when Will is scared by the elevator in Chapter Two?
(a) “Manage your anger” (97).
(b) “Relax … it’s a long way down” (97).
(c) “Don’t freak out man” (97).
(d) “Be zen” (97).

2. What does the girl do to Will to get Will’s attention in Chapter Three?
(a) Poke him with her bag.
(b) Pinch his shoulder.
(c) Brush her hand against his.
(d) Kiss him.

3. Who is the gang that Riggs is a part of, as said in Chapter Two?
(a) Apocalypse Now.
(b) Dark Suns.
(c) Shirt Less.
(d) Dark Sons.

4. What is the anagram that Will thinks of when he realizes the girl is Dani in Chapter Three?
(a) FEEL = FLEE.
(d) PAIN = IP AN.

5. What is the man who gets on the elevator wearing in Chapter Two?
(a) A gold ring.
(b) A puffy jacket.
(c) Gold chains.
(d) Gold earrings.

6. Who was Buck to Shawn, as said by Will in Chapter Two?
(a) Shawn’s best friend.
(b) The only big brother Shawn ever had.
(c) Shawn’s biological dad.
(d) Shawn’s biggest enemy.

7. What does Will find “even sadder” when he speaks about Shawn’s death in Chapter One?
(a) That Shawn was so young.
(b) That Shawn was killed instead of Will.
(c) That it was inevitable.
(d) That Shawn’s death is not surprising.

8. What are The Rules in Chapter One?
(a) No crying, and treat others how you want to be treated.
(b) No crying, no snitching, and do not kill anyone.
(c) No snitching, and do unto others as they do to you.
(d) No crying, no snitching, and if someone kills someone you love, then kill them.

9. Why does Will tell the girl in the elevator in Chapter Three that she should not be asking him about the gun?
(a) Because she does not want to get involved in this business.
(b) Because she is a girl.
(c) Because that is not a question to ask someone she does not know.
(d) Because he does not want to get her involved.

10. What scares Will at the end of Chapter Two?
(a) The elevator grinding to a halt.
(b) The elevator cable being cut.
(c) Buck laughing at him.
(d) The elevator rumbling and taking a while.

11. What does Buck tell Will about giving the gun to Shawn in Chapter Two?
(a) That he told Shawn to sell it after Shawn used it.
(b) That Buck had first stolen it from someone else.
(c) That he told Shawn to put it somewhere that Will would not get.
(d) That he told Shawn to pass it on to Will.

12. What does Will think when the girl says she knows him in Chapter Three?
(a) That he does know her too.
(b) That she must be tripping.
(c) That he is going to get lucky.
(d) That Shawn had said, when a girl says she knows you, it is because she has been checking you out.

13. Why does Will feels silly telling Buck that Shawn is dead in Chapter Two?
(a) Because he figures that Buck already knows, since Buck is dead too.
(b) Because he does not want to talk about it.
(c) Because Buck and Shawn have been hanging out above.
(d) Because Shawn is alongside Buck.

14. What does Will say it feels like sometimes when he thinks about Dani’s death in Chapter Three?
(a) Like he never had a childhood as he sees on TV.
(b) That this life feels like a mirage that he could slip right through.
(c) That God is showing pictures of his children, but no one wants to see.
(d) That the grief he has held for so long is splitting inside of him.

15. What are Tony and Will talking about in Chapter One?
(a) If they will get girlfriends now that they are 15.
(b) If Shawn will let them hang out with his older friends now that they are 15.
(c) If they will grow taller now that they are 15.
(d) If they will be allowed to go to the dances now that they are 15.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is happening to Buck’s cigarette in Chapter Three?

2. What does Dani ask Will when she first gets on the elevator in Chapter Three?

3. What does Will think about himself when he thinks that Buck is not taking him seriously in Chapter Two?

4. What does the gun in the back of his waistband feel like to Will in Chapter One?

5. What does Will pretend to himself that he dreams about about in Chapter One, the day after Shawn’s death?

(see the answer keys)

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