Long Walk to Freedom Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Long Walk to Freedom Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Professor Andrew Murray?
(a) An expert witness for the prosecution on the subject of Communist.
(b) The prosecution lawyer.
(c) The defense attorney.
(d) The judge hearing the case.

2. Why does Nelson march with Gaur in 1943?
(a) As a symbolic gesture to join the Communist Party.
(b) In support of the Alexandra bus boycott.
(c) To protest the new land laws in Alexandra.
(d) In support of the National Party.

3. Where is Nelson in Chapter 18 when he receives his first government ban?
(a) His home in Orlando.
(b) A meeting of the ANC in Johannesburg.
(c) A courthouse in Villiers.
(d) A traffic stop in Cape Town.

4. How many wives does Nelson's father have?
(a) 3.
(b) 4.
(c) 19.
(d) 1.

5. Why does Nelson enroll in the University of Witwatersrand in Chapter 10?
(a) Because the regent forces him to do so.
(b) To pursue his dream of becoming an interpretur.
(c) To begin his law degree.
(d) Because he never recieved his B.A. from his previous school.

6. Who is Chief Albert Luthuli?
(a) Nelson's father.
(b) A dear friend of the regent.
(c) The leader of the Nationalist Party.
(d) The man who is named president of the ANC at the ANC annual conference in 1952.

7. What township is at the center of the Western Areas Removal protests in Chapter 16?
(a) Cape Town.
(b) Alexandra.
(c) Sophiatown.
(d) Qunu.

8. What does the word Apartheid mean?
(a) Lower than.
(b) Separation.
(c) Racism.
(d) Apartness.

9. What organization does Evelyn get involved with in Chapter 24?
(a) The Women's League.
(b) Communist Party.
(c) The Watch Tower.
(d) The ANC.

10. What is the colloquial meaning of Nelson's African name?
(a) Troublemaker.
(b) President.
(c) Prophet.
(d) Lifegiver.

11. What test does Nelson pass in Chapter 14?
(a) Test to be president of the ANC.
(b) The Bar.
(c) Driver's test.
(d) Political delegate test of the United Party.

12. Where does Walter Sisulu go in an attempt to get support and weapons for the freedom fight in South Africa?
(a) Cuba.
(b) Russia.
(c) The USA.
(d) The People's Republic of China.

13. What is Marshall Squre?
(a) The code word for the latest Youth League protest.
(b) Nelson's school.
(c) The Jail.
(d) Nelson's town.

14. What organization are both Gaur and Nat members of?
(a) The African National Committee.
(b) The Methodist Church.
(c) The Nationalist Party.
(d) The Communist Party.

15. What are the arrested members of the ANC charged with in Chapter 23?
(a) High Treason and a countrywide conspiracy to use violence to overthrown the government and replace it with Communism.
(b) Atheism and the denouncing of one Christian God.
(c) Public protests of the Nationalist party.
(d) Black Nationalism.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Nelson when he is passing through Kroonstad in Chapter 14?

2. Who does Nelson visit in Mqhekezweni in Chapter 21?

3. How old is Nelson when he becomes a herd boy?

4. What year is Winnie and Nelson's marriage?

5. When does the regent die?

(see the answer keys)

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