Long Walk to Freedom Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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Long Walk to Freedom Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 11: Freedom - Chapter 100 - 115.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the ANC Women's Leauge protest in Chapter 28?
(a) Domestic Abuse.
(b) Voting rights.
(c) Equal pay.
(d) The requirement to carry passes.

2. What does Nelson argue against in Chapter 62?
(a) The food.
(b) Having the prisoner's picture taken without permission.
(c) The clothing.
(d) Solitary Confinement.

3. Where does Nelson go first when he gets to Qunu in Chapter 105?
(a) His father's hut.
(b) His mother's graves.
(c) His childhood school.
(d) His sister's home.

4. Who does Nelson get to see when he travels to the PAFMECSA?
(a) President Kennedy.
(b) Oliver Tambo.
(c) Walter Sisulu.
(d) Evelyn.

5. What does Nelson announce in Chapter 109?
(a) His hatred for de Klerk.
(b) His separation from Winnie.
(c) His resignation as President.
(d) His call for the armed struggle to begin again.

Short Answer Questions

1. What organization does Mr. Hynning represent?

2. What is the name of the Gold Mine that Nelson goes to in Chapter 9?

3. Who is Justice?

4. Where does Nelson stop on his way to the Grand Parade in Chapter 100?

5. How old is Nelson when his father dies?

(see the answer key)

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