Long Walk to Freedom Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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Long Walk to Freedom Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 180 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 9: Robben Island: Beginning to Hope - Chapters 71-86.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What gift does Colonel Tadesse give Nelson in Chapter 48?
(a) Spices from his country.
(b) A camel.
(c) An automatic pistol and 200 rounds of ammunition.
(d) Money to continue living underground for as long as he needs.

2. How long is Nelson on Robben Island when he is transfered?
(a) 18 years.
(b) 35 years.
(c) 28 years.
(d) 8 years.

3. Who marries a prince in Chapter 82?
(a) Winnie.
(b) Zindzi.
(c) Zeni.
(d) Thembu.

4. What type of violent activity does Nelson's military arm of the ANC decide on in Chapter 45?
(a) Sabotage.
(b) Guerrilla warfare.
(c) Terrorism.
(d) Open Revolution.

5. What day does the MK decide on to detonate their first round of bombs?
(a) Dingane's Day.
(b) Christmas Day.
(c) Day of Freedom.
(d) New Year's Day.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Evelyn Mase?

2. Who does Father Hughes incorporate into his sermons in Chapter 71?

3. What documentary causes an argument between the ANC and the BCM members?

4. What is Nelson finally able to receive in Chapter 83?

5. What is the symbol adopted for Nelson's new military arm of the ANC?

(see the answer key)

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