Long Bright River Test | Final Test - Easy

Liz Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Long Bright River Test | Final Test - Easy

Liz Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mickey say to Kacey when Kacey tells her that she is pregnant and Simon is the father?
(a) Mickey does not believe Kacey.
(b) Mickey tells Kacey she will kill Simon.
(c) Mickey tells Kacey to give the baby up right after he is born.
(d) Mickey tells Kacey that Kacey can stay with her.

2. What does Dock tell Mickey in Part III that chills her?
(a) She should be more careful because next time he sees her he will kill her.
(b) She should be more careful because everyone in the neighborhood hates cops.
(c) She should be more careful because she has a son, and he knows her son's name.
(d) She should be more careful because he knows her address.

3. What does Truman tell Mickey he knows about Simon Cleare in Part III that embarrasses Mickey?
(a) He knows Simon is a drug addict.
(b) He has heard rumors about Mickey and Simon and Simon has a reputation for targeting very young girls.
(c) He knows Simon used to be a librarian.
(d) He knows Simon is a crooked cop.

4. What is Mickey most embarrassed about during her last visit to Truman's house in Part III?
(a) That she has been fired.
(b) That she cries in front of him.
(c) That she needs to ask to borrow money.
(d) That she has been hurt on the job.

5. What does Simon say when Mickey asks him why he is helping her with Kacey in Part IV?
(a) He has always liked to help people.
(b) He thinks of Kacey as his own sister.
(c) He needs to volunteer as part of his police work.
(d) He loves Mickey and would do anything for her.

6. What does Gee tell Mickey to do concerning Kacey in Part IV?
(a) Take care of her new baby.
(b) Give her money.
(c) Leave her alone if Mickey knows what is good for her.
(d) Help her get into rehab.

7. What does Truman tell Mickey he thinks about Simon's possible connection to the recent homicides of women?
(a) Simon's past murder means he should be viewed as a possible suspect.
(b) Simon's history with young women means he should be viewed with suspicion and as a possible suspect.
(c) Simon's history of domestic violence means he should be viewed as a possible suspect.
(d) Simon's drug addiction history means he should be viewed as a possible suspect.

8. Why does Paula refuse to make a report about the video Mickey shows her in Part III?
(a) She does not want her friends to turn their backs on her.
(b) She does not want to lose her job.
(c) She does not want to be on the wrong side of the city's police.
(d) She does not want to lose her pipeline to her drug supplier.

9. Why is Mickey panicked in Part IV when she comes home to find Bethany and Thomas gone?
(a) She is worried that someone might be targeting she and Thomas and that someone has taken Bethany and Thomas to hurt them.
(b) She knows Bethany has a drug problem and worries she did something unsafe with Thomas.
(c) She knows Simon has been watching Thomas and waiting for a chance to take him.
(d) She is worried Truman might be out to seek revenge on her and he might have kidnapped Bethany and Thomas.

10. Who does Truman suggest speaking to about Mickey' suspicions about the murder suspect in Part IV?
(a) Simon Cleare.
(b) Mike DiPaolo.
(c) Gee.
(d) Sergeant Ahearn.

11. What convinces Mickey that Kacey's baby really is Simon's?
(a) Simon tells Mickey he is the father.
(b) Simon changes the subject when Mickey brings up the subject of a paternity test.
(c) Simon tells Mickey he can not have children.
(d) Simon tells Mickey he wants to break up with her.

12. What does Mrs. Mahon tell Mickey about where the tattoo was placed on the man who came looking for Mickey?
(a) On his hand.
(b) On his bicep.
(c) Below his ear.
(d) On his ankle.

13. What did Kacey name her son when he was born?
(a) Paul.
(b) Ryan.
(c) Daniel.
(d) Mark.

14. What did Truman give Mickey as a baby gift?
(a) A crib.
(b) A baby carrier.
(c) Books and clothes.
(d) A rocking chair.

15. What does Mrs. Mahon tell Mickey she does for volunteer work?
(a) Make food for the homeless.
(b) Teach English classes to immigrants.
(c) Snuggle babies of drug-addicted mothers.
(d) Make clothes for hospital workers.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Truman's house?

2. When were the best months of Mickey's life?

3. What does Mickey's father say to her when she knocks on his door in Part IV?

4. Who is the person to tell Mickey she is under internal investigation?

5. Where does Gee live?

(see the answer keys)

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