Long Bright River Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Liz Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Long Bright River Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Liz Moore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What phrase does Mickey's new partner use in Part I about the people they are supposed to protect that turns Mickey off?
(a) These low-lifes.
(b) These girls.
(c) These sluts.
(d) These hookers.

2. What coffee shop does Mickey take her new partner to in Part I where they are treated with suspicion because they are cops?
(a) Bomber Coffee.
(b) Xando's.
(c) Starbucks.
(d) Fifth and Coffee.

3. How long has it been since Kacey and Mickey have spoken?
(a) 10 years.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 5 years.

4. What does Mickey see on the body of the young woman whose death she is investigating in Part I that makes her think the death is a result of a homicide?
(a) Petechiae.
(b) Sings of struggle underneath her fingernails.
(c) Rope markings on her wrists.
(d) The color of her lips.

5. Why is Mickey so concerned about her sister?
(a) Her sister has been trying to have a baby for years and has been unsuccessful.
(b) Her sister suffers from an addiction problem and Mickey does not know where she is.
(c) Her sister has moved across the country and is all alone with no support.
(d) Her sister wants to go to college but does not have the money to afford to do this.

6. Which prison does Kacey spend a year in?
(a) Riverside.
(b) Molson.
(c) Lehigh.
(d) Danville.

7. What kind of tattoo does Simon have that signifies his sobriety?
(a) A cross on his neck.
(b) A heart on his torso.
(c) A yin-and-yang symbol on his ear.
(d) A large X on his calf.

8. Who is Mickey's sister's friend who helps Mickey find her sister the first time her sister goes missing?
(a) Jennifer Hull.
(b) Nancy O'Brien.
(c) Margot Cleary.
(d) Paula Mulroney.

9. What does Mickey do before her first meeting with Dock?
(a) Puts headphones in.
(b) Changes into civilian clothes.
(c) Grabs a knife for protection.
(d) Calls for backup.

10. Who does Mickey become particularly attached to as a guide and mentor when she is a young girl?
(a) Truman Dawes.
(b) Simon Cleare.
(c) Mark Ahearn.
(d) Millie Smith.

11. Who is Thomas's father?
(a) Daniel Ahearn.
(b) Simon Cleare.
(c) Patrick Moynihan.
(d) Mark Meadows.

12. Where does Mickey meet Simon to ask him for advice about college?
(a) A coffee shop.
(b) A pier in the city.
(c) The Italian Market.
(d) King of Prussia mall.

13. What is Gee's reaction when Mickey asks her for help with the paperwork for college?
(a) Gee says Mickey should go ask her father for help.
(b) Gee belittles and degrades Mickey, and refuses to help.
(c) Gee says Mickey should go to college but Gee will not help her.
(d) Gee is so proud of Mickey and completes all the forms.

14. Which officer does Mickey work with on the domestic incident call she responds to in Part I?
(a) Marcia Rock.
(b) Gloria Peters.
(c) Laurie Wood.
(d) Jennifer Hall.

15. Who is Mickey's boss in the police department?
(a) Sergeant Marcado.
(b) Sergeant Ahearn.
(c) Sergeant Malina.
(d) Sergeant O'Herly.

Short Answer Questions

1. What movie does Mickey's new partner reference to her in Part I that she vehemently dislikes?

2. What does Simon advise Mickey to do instead of going to college?

3. How old is Mickey's sister the first time Mickey saves her from overdosing?

4. What is Mickey's father's name?

5. What drug do the EMTs use on Mickey's sister to revive her from her overdose in Part I?

(see the answer keys)

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