Lonesome Dove Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lonesome Dove Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The morning after the storm, who is missing?
(a) Lippy
(b) Gus
(c) Newt
(d) Allen

2. Why did Call let the men stop working early the day Jake returns?
(a) He wants to get drunk with Jake.
(b) He wants them to rest before going to Mexico for the night to round up horses.
(c) He wants them to dig a well the next day.
(d) It is a holiday.

3. Where do Gus and Call plan to look for a new cook?
(a) Ogallala
(b) St. Louis
(c) Fort Worth
(d) Austin

4. What does Janey do whenever Roscoe meets anyone on the trail?
(a) She hides.
(b) She shoots her gun.
(c) She talks to the strangers.
(d) She gets on his horse with him.

5. What do Peach and Charlie Barnes want Roscoe to do, once they discover Elmira is gone?
(a) They want him to send July a telegram.
(b) They want him to wait for July to come home to tell him the bad news.
(c) They want him to go after July to tell him his wife is missing.
(d) They want him to quit as deputy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes Jake's thumb to get infected?

2. Who sings a mournful ballad to the cattle?

3. Where do Gus and Call go after finding a new wagon and mules?

4. Who is Lorena sitting with at the Dry Bean when Dish arrives?

5. What does Jake want to borrow from Call?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does the bartender at the bar in San Antonio make Gus so mad?

2. How does Jake respond when Gus comes into Jake and Lorena's camp?

3. What does Gus want to know about July as they go to Blue Duck's camp?

4. What does Elmira decide to do after the whiskey boat?

5. What does Gus notice about the first forty horses that makes him laugh?

6. What does Wilbarger want from Call? What does he offer?

7. What does Gus fear concerning Lorena now that Jake Spoon is in town?

8. Why does Jake call himself a fool?

9. What bothers Call about the first four boys he hires, who are all younger than eighteen?

10. Why does Blue Duck show so little interest in Lorena?

(see the answer keys)

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