London Labour and the London Poor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

London Labour and the London Poor Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the crossing sweep who Mayhew interviewed work at before finding an open intersection?
(a) Selling matches.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Shining lanterns.
(d) Selling newspapers.

2. What did dustmen do?
(a) Dusted the store fronts.
(b) Cleaned out chimneys.
(c) Hauled off the coal dust and ashes.
(d) Kept the noble's carriages clean.

3. What type of freedom did costers enjoy that other workers did not?
(a) Being their own boss and not being stuck indoors.
(b) Being able to work when they wanted to work.
(c) Being able to put money away for retirement.
(d) Not having to pay taxes.

4. What did many children do about food in the worse lodging houses?
(a) Beg from other renters.
(b) Went through the garbage piles.
(c) Did not eat.
(d) Steal meat, bacon or potatoes.

5. What were the low end lodging houses like?
(a) They were just adequate, a little heat and a roof.
(b) In terrible condition with no heat and leaky roofs.
(c) They were typical dwellings for lower middle class.
(d) They were usually clean with decent food.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of toiletry items were provided by some of the better lodging houses?

2. Who was Mike?

3. What kind of education did most costermongers have?

4. What did one of the young thieves who belonged to a gang tell Mayhew?

5. What did Mayhew say was the reason people from wealthier families became patterers?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who hired dustmen and how did they do their work?

2. Who normally held a crossing sweep position and how was that job viewed? How did the crossing sweep have to eat sometimes?

3. How did dustmen and mudlarks help each other?

4. How did some crossing sweep get permanent jobs and why were they given the jobs?

5. Where did most costermongers and their families live

6. What did mudlarks do and how did they bathe?

7. What were some of the circumstances in the better lodging houses for the street people?

8. How did the costermongers obtain their merchandise and what were the circumstances for borrowing?

9. What was the story Mayhew told about a crossing sweep from Dublin?

10. What were the general appearance of chimney sweeps and who most often worked in this type of work and why did they?

(see the answer keys)

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