London Labour and the London Poor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

London Labour and the London Poor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who usually watched Jewish girls who peddled fruit?
(a) Their boyfriends.
(b) No one.
(c) Their brothers.
(d) Their mothers.

2. How did coster runaway children usually support themselves?
(a) Living with another adult.
(b) Selling items on the street.
(c) Joining the military.
(d) Entering orphanages.

3. What occasionally happened to one of the bolder boys?
(a) They would be arrested for grain theft and put in jail for a week.
(b) They would be arrested for coal theft and put in jail for a week.
(c) They would get smashed when a load of coal was dumped in the barge.
(d) They would get smothered when a load of grain was dumped in the bin.

4. What percentage of people earning their living on the streets were vendors?
(a) Sixty percent.
(b) Eighty-five percent.
(c) Fifty percent.
(d) Seventy-five percent.

5. What percentage of costermongers did not own their stock?
(a) Seventy-five percent.
(b) Ninety percent.
(c) Fifty percent.
(d) Thirty percent.

6. Where did the street people of London in the 1800s conduct their trade?
(a) In their stores.
(b) On the streets and sidewalks.
(c) Only in the city park.
(d) In booths in the market.

7. What did many children do about food in the worse lodging houses?
(a) Steal meat, bacon or potatoes.
(b) Beg from other renters.
(c) Did not eat.
(d) Went through the garbage piles.

8. Who often undersold Jewish traders?
(a) Irish traders.
(b) No one.
(c) British traders.
(d) German traders.

9. What did some of the boys do to earn tips while serving as crossing sweeps?
(a) Hang out wash.
(b) Saddle horses.
(c) Run alongside buses and entertain the passengers.
(d) Help a chimney sweep take his equipment up on the roof.

10. How did wholesale suppliers cheat costers?
(a) Holding the stock until it was sold and selling to two different costers.
(b) Adding hidden interest rates.
(c) Making the terms of sell difficult to understand.
(d) Selling rotten produce or shortchanging them.

11. Who looked down upon chimney sweepers?
(a) The mudlarks.
(b) The other chimney sweepers.
(c) Costermongers.
(d) Everyone.

12. Why did some costermonger parents require their children to work?
(a) To build their character.
(b) To keep them out of the army.
(c) To make the parents' life easier.
(d) To contribute to family income.

13. Why were chimney sweeper apprentices often starved?
(a) To save money.
(b) To keep them small.
(c) They were fed just like every other apprentice.
(d) To control them.

14. What did the two orphan girls whose story Mayhew told sell?
(a) Candy.
(b) Flowers.
(c) Themselves.
(d) Newspapers.

15. What happened when Mike's father died?
(a) He was allowed to train as a policeman.
(b) His mother was cheated out of her house.
(c) His mother kicked him out of the house.
(d) He was given an apprenticeship as a footman.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happened to the man after he was injured?

2. What happened if a coster child didn't have the money to pay for lodging?

3. To what was street vending an alternative?

4. With whom does Mike live with after he is an orphan?

5. On what day of the week were regular customers allowed to stay free in some lodging houses?

(see the answer keys)

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