Lolita Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lolita Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of Lolita’s friends is referred to by the narrator as “the school tennis champion” in Part 2, Chapter 9?

2. The headmistress at the girl’s school where Lolita is enrolled in Part 2, Chapter 4 states that they “are more interested in communication than in” what?

3. How much does H.H. say his “little concubine” weighs now in Part 2, Chapter 15?

4. Who is the “fadedly feminine” English professor that lives with Miss Lester, according to the narrator in Part 2, Chapter 5?

5. According to the narrator in Part 2, Chapter 23, “thousand-mile stretch of silk-smooth road separated Kasbeam” from where?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Miss Pratt advise H.H. regarding his stepdaughter’s sexual education in Part 2, Chapter 11?

2. What events does H.H. describe during the period surrounding Lolita’s birthday in Part 2, Chapter 12?

3. Where do H.H. and Lolita go after leaving the Enchanted Hunters Inn in Part 2, Chapter 1? Where do they stay?

4. How does H.H. describe his friendship with Gaston Godin in Part 2? Why is H.H. not as concerned about Gaston as he is the other neighbors?

5. Why does H.H. regret not going to Mexico in Part 2, Chapter 3?

6. When does Miss Pratt call H.H. to a meeting in Part 2, Chapter 11? What are his impressions as he enters the meeting?

7. Where does Lolita claim to have been during her absence in Part 2, Chapter 19? How does H.H. respond?

8. Who does H.H. believe to be following him and Lolita in Part 2, Chapter 18? For how long has he been tailed?

9. What does Lolita’s school friend write to her in Part 2, Chapter 19? What happens as H.H. reads the letter?

10. How does the narrator characterize Lolita’s demeanor in Part 2, Chapter 1?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Plot Structure

a. Discuss the plot structure of Lolita. In what ways is the narrative related and what effect does this have on the reader?

b. How does Lolita compare with other novels written during this time period? Are there specific stylistic elements that can be seen in Nabokov’s writing?

Essay Topic 2

Discuss elements of symbolism and imagery in Lolita. What powerful symbols are present in the scene between Lolita and H.H. while her mother is at church in Part 1, Chapter 13? What does the narrator himself remark about this symbolism?

Essay Topic 3

Describe H.H.’s first impressions of Lolita and her mother, Charlotte Haze, in Part 1. Prior to seeing Lolita, what are H.H.’s plans regarding the room rental? Why does Lolita change his mind? Whom does Lolita remind H.H. of? In what ways?

(see the answer keys)

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