Lolita Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lolita Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the author of the play The Enchanted Hunters in the novel?
(a) Mona Dahl.
(b) Vivian Darkbloom.
(c) Harold E. Haze.
(d) Clare Quilty.

2. What does H.H. describe Lolita’s weekly allowance at the end of “the Beardsley era” in Part 2, Chapter 7?
(a) $1.75
(b) $3.00
(c) $2.25
(d) $1.05

3. The narrator states in Part 2, Chapter 2, “I dimly evoke that Magnolia Garden in a southern state which cost me four bucks and which, according to the ad in the book, you must visit for three reasons.” The first of these reasons is because what “stone-dead writer of sorts” acclaimed it as the world’s fairest garden?
(a) John Galsworthy.
(b) James Joyce.
(c) Vladimir Nabokov.
(d) Richard Schiller.

4. What woman does H.H. become involved in after Lolita’s departure in Part 2, Chapter 26?
(a) Sybil.
(b) Rita.
(c) Rosaline.
(d) Linda.

5. To whom does Miss Pratt say Lolita is “impossibly rude” in Part 2, Chapter 11?
(a) Miss Cormorant.
(b) Miss Gold.
(c) Miss Redcock.
(d) Miss Molar.

6. Of Lolita’s tennis abilities, the narrator says in Part 2, Chapter 20 that one of the pearls of her game “was a short half-volley that Ned Litam had taught her” where?
(a) “In Washington.”
(b) “In Illinois.”
(c) “In California.”
(d) “In Texas.”

7. How much per day does Lolita’s private hospital room cost, according to the narrator in Part 2, Chapter 22?
(a) $20
(b) $13
(c) $7
(d) $34

8. The narrator states in Part 2, Chapter 1 that after zig-zagging across the country with Lolita from August 1947 to August 1948, they eventually petered out and settled in what college town?
(a) Ramsdale.
(b) Beardsley.
(c) Briceland.
(d) Abilene.

9. H.H. describes visiting Little Iceberg Lake somewhere in what state in Part 2, Chapter 2?
(a) Utah.
(b) Colorado.
(c) California.
(d) Wyoming.

10. H.H. says he and Lolita were “somewhere between Snow and” what town when they got a flat in Part 2, Chapter 19?
(a) Beardsley.
(b) Lepingville.
(c) Champion.
(d) Corfu.

11. Where in New Orleans does the tour guide describe sidewalks that may “feature entertainment by pickaninnies who will tap-dance for pennies” in Part 2, Chapter 2?
(a) Lafayette Street.
(b) Dauphin Street.
(c) Bourbon Street.
(d) Burgundy Street.

12. In what play does Miss Pratt say that Lolita must be allowed to participate in Part 2, Chapter 11?
(a) The Crucible.
(b) A Midsummer's Night Dream.
(c) Our Town.
(d) The Hunted Enchanters.

13. Who is H.H. told checked Lolita out of the hospital in Part 2, Chapter 22?
(a) Uncle Vladimir.
(b) Uncle Robert.
(c) Uncle Gustave.
(d) Uncle James.

14. Where does H.H. describe seeing a “boulder, with a plaque, in memory of the author of “Trees” in Part 2, Chapter 2?
(a) Birch Knoll, New York.
(b) Maple Hill, Pennsylvania.
(c) Pine Point, Maine.
(d) Poplar Cove, North Carolina.

15. Of what act does the narrator say he deplores “as lending itself to a dreadful pun, the revenge that the Gods of Semantics take against tight-zippered Philistines” in Part 2, Chapter 1?
(a) The Doll Act.
(b) The Mann Act.
(c) The Tate Act.
(d) The Robinson Act.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Lolita passionately desire to see the Ceremonial Dances marking the seasonal opening of Magic Cave, in Part 2, Chapter 16?

2. At what motel office does H.H. discover Lolita’s kidnapper has written his entry as “Dr. Gratiano Forbeson, Mirandola, NY” in Part 2, Chapter 23?

3. What was the girl’s name who accompanied “Dr. Gratiano Forbeson, Mirandola, NY,” according to the motel clerk in Part 2, Chapter 23?

4. What are the “four D’s” that are stressed at the girl’s school where Lolita begins studying in Part 2, Chapter 4?

5. With whom had Lolita spent a rainy summer in a dilapidated Appalachian farmhouse, according to the narrator in Part 2, Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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