Lolita Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lolita Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Lolita’s report of behavior in July at the camp say in Part 1, Chapter 27?
(a) “Fair to middling; poor at communication.”
(b) “Good to excellent; skilled at golf and reading.”
(c) “Poor to fair; skilled at archery and volleyball.”
(d) “Fair to good; keen on swimming and boating.”

2. H.H. says of Lolita in Part 1, Chapter 15 that she would be thirteen on what date?
(a) August 8.
(b) May 13.
(c) March 22.
(d) January 1.

3. What does Lolita carry in her hands when H.H. encounters her on Sunday morning in Part 1, Chapter 13?
(a) A banana.
(b) An apple.
(c) A coconut.
(d) An orange.

4. What was Annabel’s last name, according to the narrator in Part 1, Chapter 3?
(a) Honeck.
(b) Holmes.
(c) Cormorant.
(d) Leigh.

5. What drink does H.H. pour for Charlotte because she “could never resist” it, after her confrontation with him in Part 1, Chapter 22?
(a) Rum.
(b) Vodka.
(c) Scotch.
(d) Tequila.

6. What is the name of the camp that Charlotte Haze is sending Lolita to in Part 1, Chapter 15?
(a) Camp A.
(b) Camp Q.
(c) Camp Q.
(d) Camp J.

7. To what doctor does H.H. go to obtain sleeping medication in Part 1, Chapter 22?
(a) Dr. Tristramson.
(b) Dr. Quilty.
(c) Dr. Byron.
(d) Dr. Blue.

8. What was the name of H.H.’s aunt who served as a kind of governess and housekeeper to him?
(a) Mona.
(b) Linda.
(c) Clare.
(d) Sybil.

9. On the Sunday when H.H., Charlotte Haze, and Lolita are to go on a picnic, what friend of Lolita’s cancels because she is sick in Part 1, Chapter 13?
(a) Rosaline Honeck.
(b) Mary Rose Hamilton.
(c) Elizabeth Talbot.
(d) Eva Rosin.

10. What kind of art does Valeria produce?
(a) Classical sculpture.
(b) Cubist paintings.
(c) Art deco furniture.
(d) Realist paintings.

11. Where does the narrator say he loved “a certain initial girl-child” prior to Lolita in Part 1, Chapter 1?
(a) “In a stagnant swamp.”
(b) “A princedom by the sea.”
(c) “Behind a famous museum.”
(d) “On a magical mountaintop.”

12. Who telephones H.H. to tell him that Charlotte has been killed in Part 1, Chapter 22?
(a) Shirley Holmes.
(b) Leslie Tomson.
(c) Rosaline Honeck.
(d) Avis Chapson.

13. Where did Annabel die?
(a) Corfu.
(b) Russia.
(c) England.
(d) Chicago.

14. Because the picnic is postponed, Lolita refuses to go where with her mother in Part 1, Chapter 13?
(a) To church.
(b) To the grocery store.
(c) To the shoe store.
(d) To the hospital.

15. How old is Charlotte Haze described as being in Part 1, Chapter 10?
(a) Mid-30s.
(b) Late-40s.
(c) Mid-20s.
(d) Late-20s.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of his experience with Lolita earlier in the morning, the narrator says in Part 1, Chapter 14, “I felt proud of myself. I had stolen the honey of a spasm without impairing the morals of” what?

2. H.H. hears that Mr. and Mrs. McCoo have a daughter how old in Part 1, Chapter 10?

3. What name does the narrator give the “main character” in his described scenario with Lolita in Part 1, Chapter 13?

4. Where does the narrator say Mrs. Phalli’s sister taught in Part 1, Chapter 20?

5. In describing his feelings for Lolita in Part 1, Chapter 14, the narrator says, “The elation with which the vision of new delights filled me was not horrible but” what?

(see the answer keys)

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