Lock and Key Test | Final Test - Medium

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Lock and Key Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Peyton say when she talks to Ruby?
(a) That Peyton was drunk when she seduced Marshall.
(b) That Peyton was really sorry.
(c) That Marshall was lonely and seduced Peyton.
(d) That Ruby always claimed Marshall was not her boyfriend.

2. How does Ruby respond to Harriet's offer?
(a) She is happy for a pay raise.
(b) She declines the jewelry.
(c) She does not think she can handle more hours.
(d) She brushes off the praise.

3. What does Olivia say has been horrible for her?
(a) The change to the new school.
(b) Having to work in the theater.
(c) Being on restrictions.
(d) Losing her boyfriend to such a loser.

4. Why has Olivia picked up Laney?
(a) Laney is late for work.
(b) Laney is late for a doctor's appointment.
(c) Laney is crying.
(d) Laney hurt herself running.

5. What happens when Ruby stops at Nate's house?
(a) He asks her to leave.
(b) She can hear glass breaking in the background.
(c) He is not home.
(d) She is asked in to their party.

Short Answer Questions

1. About what does Cora say she feels guilty?

2. Where does Olivia work?

3. What does Harriet call her new line of jewelry?

4. What gives Ruby an indication about how Marshall feels about her discovery?

5. Why does Cora feel judged by Jaime's family?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Heather say she wished she had forced?

2. Describe Nate and Ruby's visit to the vacant apartment.

3. What does Cora say in response learning she is still not pregnant, and how does this bring the sisters closer together?

4. What does Cora say about leaving Ruby when Ruby was young and how does Ruby respond?

5. What is Ruby's weakness and how does Nate distract her from it for awhile?

6. What does Harriet offer Ruby and why does she decline the offer?

7. What do Cora and Ruby talk about the next morning after Ruby's drunken episode?

8. What does Ruby overhear when she goes to the Cross house for the pies?

9. What is Ruby's December like?

10. Who finds Ruby in the clearing and what does he do and say?

(see the answer keys)

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