Lock and Key Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Lock and Key Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ruby realize in the morning?
(a) That Cora wants Ruby out of the house.
(b) That Jaime is going to help her leave.
(c) That Nate is her age.
(d) That Jamie wasn't fooled about Ruby trying to leave.

2. How does Cora defend herself about the wedding?
(a) That Cora told their mother.
(b) That Ruby was into drugs then.
(c) She does not defend herself.
(d) That Ruby did not answer Cora's messages.

3. What did Cora used to do when she still lived with Ruby and their mother?
(a) Hit their mother.
(b) Make their mother go to bed and sleep off a drunk.
(c) Make Ruby keep up with her homework.
(d) Protect Ruby.

4. What does Ruby ask of Peyton?
(a) To contact Mickie for Ruby.
(b) To come and pick her up.
(c) To send her some money.
(d) To go by Ruby's old house and get some stuff.

5. Where does Jaime work?
(a) At the hospital.
(b) For a non-profit organization.
(c) At the public defender's office.
(d) In a high-powered corporate lawyer group.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Reggie need?

2. What does Ruby say when asked where her mother is?

3. What does Cora point out about riding the city bus?

4. What does Cora make Ruby do when she comes downstairs?

5. Where does Ruby find Roscoe when she hears him barking?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Ruby say about her life before Cora picked her up earlier that day?

2. What discussion do Jaime and Mr. Thackray have when Jaime brings Ruby to enroll in school?

3. How is Ruby stopped the first night from running away?

4. What has Olivia verified and how does she feel about it?

5. What does Ruby notice about Nate and Heather and what advice does she offer Nate, and what does he do?

6. What does Ruby think about her mother?

7. What new ad campaign does Jaime dream up and what are Cora and Ruby's responses?

8. Describe Gervais.

9. What decision has Ruby made concerning living with Cora and Jaime, but how does she hedge her bets?

10. What does Ruby say about Gervais at the beginning of this chapter?

(see the answer keys)

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