Lock and Key Test | Final Test - Easy

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Lock and Key Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cora say she could have done when she left home?
(a) Forced their mother into rehab.
(b) Rented an apartment and taken care of Ruby.
(c) Contacted the authorities.
(d) Worked harder to stay in touch.

2. What does Olivia think Laney should have done?
(a) Taken up basketball because of her height.
(b) Trained with a guy who would challenge her.
(c) Trained with next year in mind rather than this one.
(d) Started with a less strenuous running program.

3. What does Ruby find in Marshall's room?
(a) Marshall out cold drunk.
(b) No one.
(c) Peyton and Marshall out cold drunk.
(d) Peyton and Marshall on the bed.

4. Where does Olivia work?
(a) Lowery Twelve.
(b) Miracle Nine.
(c) Movie Row.
(d) Vista Ten.

5. What does Gervais want in return?
(a) Help with his English project.
(b) Ruby's help in getting Gervais in with Olivia.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Help learning to dance.

6. Who answers the door at Marshall's place?
(a) No one.
(b) Marshall.
(c) Rogerson.
(d) Peyton.

7. Where is Cora when she invites Ruby to join her?
(a) Lying on the bed in the guest room.
(b) In the family room.
(c) In the master bath.
(d) In Ruby's closet.

8. What is Ruby's job when Jaime's family begins to arrive?
(a) Answer the door.
(b) Watch the food cooking.
(c) Fix drinks.
(d) Set the table.

9. About what does Cora seem understanding?
(a) Ruby's desire to fit in with her Jackson friends.
(b) Cora does not seem to understand.
(c) Ruby's need to dull the pain.
(d) Ruby's motives for her behavior the day before.

10. What does Ruby see that makes her run home?
(a) A crowd of people near her house.
(b) A heron flying overhead.
(c) An ambulance.
(d) A fire truck.

11. What question does Nate ask Ruby?
(a) If Ruby loves her mother.
(b) Why their mother left Ruby alone.
(c) What it was like living on her own.
(d) What she thinks of Nate.

12. What does Ruby want to tell Nate when it's almost Valentine's Day?
(a) That she's worried about him.
(b) That she wants to go with him when he leaves.
(c) That she cares for him.
(d) That he is a fine man.

13. What gives Ruby an indication about how Marshall feels about her discovery?
(a) Marshall laughs.
(b) A looks as if he does not care.
(c) Marshall says it's about time she knew.
(d) Ruby's picture lies in a broken frame on the floor.

14. What does Harriet call her new line of jewelry?
(a) KeyChains.
(b) Open Sesame.
(c) Lock me in.
(d) Unlock.

15. What is one thing Ruby concentrates on in December?
(a) Doing things with Olivia.
(b) Botany.
(c) Calculus.
(d) Helping Cora.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Ruby and Cora's mother made to do?

2. For what does Ruby thank Olivia?

3. What is Ruby to do in Jamie's scheme?

4. What does Ruby say that makes Nate leave?

5. What does Nate point out to Ruby about her mother?

(see the answer keys)

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