Lock and Key Test | Final Test - Easy

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Lock and Key Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ruby ask Cora about when Cora went back into the house the day Cora left home?
(a) Why Cora didn't just take Ruby then.
(b) What Cora and her mother discussed.
(c) What their mother said about Ruby.
(d) What their mother said about Cora leaving.

2. Why has Olivia picked up Laney?
(a) Laney is late for a doctor's appointment.
(b) Laney is crying.
(c) Laney is late for work.
(d) Laney hurt herself running.

3. For what does Ruby thank Olivia?
(a) For not tellin any of the kids at school about the episode in the clearing.
(b) For handling Gervais.
(c) For a free movie ticket.
(d) For telling Nate where Ruby had gone when Ruby was passed out.

4. What does Ruby discover about Olivia?
(a) She is very honest.
(b) She is quite smart.
(c) She is very kind.
(d) She is from an abusive home.

5. What happens when Ruby stops at Nate's house?
(a) He is not home.
(b) She can hear glass breaking in the background.
(c) He asks her to leave.
(d) She is asked in to their party.

6. What is Cora fearful of as Thanksgiving approaches?
(a) That the dinner she is hosting will be a diaster.
(b) That Jaime will want to have a big dinner party.
(c) That Ruby will get depressed about living there.
(d) That Ruby will get depressed about their mother.

7. What has Gervais begun to do recently?
(a) Wearing aftershave.
(b) Started humming to himself.
(c) Comb his hair.
(d) Been quiet in the car.

8. What does Olivia yell at Laney?
(a) To quit for the day.
(b) To slow the pace down a bit.
(c) To pick up the pace.
(d) To go home.

9. What does Ruby notice Gervais doing at lunch?
(a) Talking to a young student about his age and IQ.
(b) Napping on a bench.
(c) Watching her.
(d) Playing guitars with some other guys.

10. What does Harriet call her new line of jewelry?
(a) Open Sesame.
(b) Unlock.
(c) Lock me in.
(d) KeyChains.

11. About what does Cora seem understanding?
(a) Cora does not seem to understand.
(b) Ruby's need to dull the pain.
(c) Ruby's desire to fit in with her Jackson friends.
(d) Ruby's motives for her behavior the day before.

12. About what is Reggie disappointed?
(a) That his relationship with Harriet is not progressing.
(b) That Harriet is dating someone else.
(c) That Ruby is quitting her job there.
(d) That Harriet is getting married.

13. What does Gervais offer one day when he comes over to Ruby's house?
(a) To mow the lawn.
(b) To help Ruby find out about Nate.
(c) To help Ruby with Chemistry.
(d) To help Ruby with calculus.

14. What does Peyton say she tried to tell Ruby the night Peyton was at Cora's house?
(a) That Peyton is pregnant.
(b) That Marshall has been with several other girls.
(c) About the fact that Marshall was lonely.
(d) About the situation with Marshall.

15. What does Gervais want in return?
(a) Ruby's help in getting Gervais in with Olivia.
(b) Help with his English project.
(c) Help learning to dance.
(d) Nothing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What photos are on the wall of the apartment where they deliver the duvet cover?

2. What does Cora realize on Christmas day?

3. What is one house where Nate and Ruby go full of?

4. What does Ruby say to Cora about Cora's discovery?

5. What does Olivia say has been horrible for her?

(see the answer keys)

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