Lock and Key Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Lock and Key Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Ruby first call at a convenience store after class?
(a) Marshall.
(b) Her neighbor from the other house.
(c) No one.
(d) Penny.

2. What is "Rest Assured"?
(a) A business Nate's father owns.
(b) A cemetary.
(c) A mortuary.
(d) A nursing home.

3. Who is Harriett?
(a) The girl Nate wants to date.
(b) A woman who works at the jewelry kiosk.
(c) A woman who works in the office at Perkins High.
(d) Ruby's therapist.

4. Where does Gervais attend school in the afternoons?
(a) His regular middle school.
(b) A special needs school.
(c) The university.
(d) Perkins.

5. What does Ruby say about Cora's wedding?
(a) That Ruby is glad she didn't go.
(b) That Ruby is sorry she didn't go.
(c) That Ruby was not invited.
(d) That Cora should have tried harder to find Ruby.

6. What is Ruby's word for her first assignment?
(a) Finances.
(b) Love.
(c) Pain.
(d) Family.

7. Why does Ruby ride with Nate to school on Monday morning?
(a) She feels sorry for him.
(b) She wants to get to know him.
(c) She decides she likes him well enough.
(d) She oversleeps and misses the bus.

8. What does Ruby understand about Cora's promise?
(a) That Cora was too depressed to come back.
(b) That Cora just could not carry through on it.
(c) That Cora never intended to do what she said.
(d) That Jaime kept Cora from following through on her promise.

9. What has Jaime bought for himself, Cora and Ruby?
(a) Red shirts.
(b) Red bows.
(c) Green hats.
(d) Blue shirts.

10. How do Ruby and Cora feel about Jaime's Christmas card idea?
(a) Not enthusiastic.
(b) Enthusiastic.
(c) Happy.
(d) Bah Humbug.

11. On what has Ruby not made any progress?
(a) Working on her literature project on the family.
(b) Learning to enjoy riding to school with Nate.
(c) Learning to like Roscoe.
(d) Learning to trust Cora.

12. What does Ruby discover Nate did?
(a) Made her a Christmas present.
(b) Quit the swim team.
(c) Left home.
(d) Bought her a Christmas present.

13. How does Cora defend herself about the wedding?
(a) That Ruby did not answer Cora's messages.
(b) She does not defend herself.
(c) That Ruby was into drugs then.
(d) That Cora told their mother.

14. What is Jamie Hunter showing Ruby?
(a) Her new puppy.
(b) A picture she painted.
(c) Her new bedroom.
(d) A rabbit.

15. What does Ruby want to do when Cora and Jamie go to sleep?
(a) Run away.
(b) Draw a picture of her mom so she does not forget her.
(c) Call her best friend.
(d) Wash her clothes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is swimming next door when Ruby tries to jump the fence?

2. What is Ruby's first class?

3. What has Roscoe done several times after Ruby's arrival?

4. What color is the fish Ruby picks for the pond?

5. What does Ruby say she intends to refuse?

(see the answer keys)

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