Little Women Test | Final Test - Medium

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Little Women Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the editor say does not sell in those days?
(a) morals
(b) adventure
(c) romance
(d) mystery

2. What news do Laurie and Amy give everyone?
(a) They have been married for three months.
(b) They plan to marry in three months.
(c) They were married six weeks earlier.
(d) They plan to be married in six weeks.

3. Laurie and Amy decide to do what together?
(a) attend a party together
(b) climb a mountain together
(c) row together on a lake
(d) make lunch together

4. Jo is longing for what?
(a) to see Beth again
(b) to see Amy again
(c) to have another novel published
(d) a soul mate

5. Where do Amy and Laurie choose to live?
(a) The Laurence family home.
(b) New York
(c) The March family home.
(d) France

Short Answer Questions

1. The girls and their families celebrate which of Mrs. March's birthdays?

2. Jo begins to write for what publication?

3. When Beth realizes she is dying, how does she take it?

4. The professor and Jo meet for walks for how long?

5. Professor Bhaer is caring for whom?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Alcott show, through Jo's progression in the book, that women can have many roles in life?

2. How does Beth's death, in chapter thirty-five, affect the rest of the family?

3. What lessons do we learn from Beth's death?

4. How does Jo feel about romantic pursuits, and how do her actions compare or contrast to that?

5. Who arrives, in chapter thirty-eight, besides Laurie, Amy, and Mr. Laurence, and why does that person come?

6. How, in chapter thirty-four, does Amy help Laurie to see himself for who he is and who he used to be and change accordingly?

7. What does the entire book say about wealth?

8. How do Laurie and Amy react to the news of Beth's death, and how do their reactions alter the main story?

9. How does Jo handle the fact that Beth is dying?

10. How does Mrs. March's sixtieth birthday celebration, in the final chapter, mirror the Christmas festivities in the first chapter of the book?

(see the answer keys)

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