Little Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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Little Women Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Amy wants to have a gathering of her friends, which she calls what?
(a) artistic fete
(b) artists picnic
(c) art appreciation meeting
(d) artists gathering

2. Who does Jo catch cheating at croquet?
(a) Meg
(b) Laurie
(c) Sally
(d) Fred

3. Who marries the couple?
(a) Laurie
(b) Mr. Hummel
(c) Mr. March
(d) Jo

4. Marmee receives a letter from her husband, who is where?
(a) visiting a friend
(b) in the hospital
(c) serving in the army
(d) visiting his brother

5. What gift does Jo get that she has been wanting for a year?
(a) a dress
(b) a hat
(c) some shoes
(d) a book

Short Answer Questions

1. Mr. March tells Jo what about her writing?

2. When Mr. and Mrs. March find out that Mr. Brooke wants to court Meg, they say what?

3. Meg is invited to whose house for two weeks?

4. Who arrives and interrupts a conversation between Meg and Mr. Brooke?

5. The girls create a secret society with what characters based on what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What major event happens to Meg and John after they have been married for a year and how does everyone handle it?

2. How does financial and social status affect Jo in chapter five when she sees Laurie again?

3. Alcott only wrote Little Women at her publisher's suggestion. She preferred to write more adult novels. Describe the similarity between her feelings and those of Jo and her family in the book.

4. Explain how Marmee's hope, in chapter nine, that her children will be happy, whether married or single, reflects the changing times when Alcott was writing the book in the 1860s.

5. How does Amy's family react to her party plan in chapter twenty-three, both before and after the party?

6. How do we gain insight into Amy's personality when she goes to stay with Aunt March?

7. How are Amy and Jo's roles viewed differently, as they go on social calls in chapter twenty-six?

8. Describe Jo's attitude in chapter three and how it defies conventional thinking in that era.

9. How does Jo react to Mr. Brooke taking an interest in Meg?

10. Describe how poverty plays a role in chapter two.

(see the answer keys)

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