The Little Foxes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little Foxes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What term does Mr. Marshall use in referring to the family?
(a) Opportunists.
(b) Monarchs.
(c) Aristocrats.
(d) Monopolists.

2. What does Birdie detest about her husband's hobby?
(a) He kills animals then throws them away.
(b) The smell of cigar smoke.
(c) The smell of paints.
(d) He never wins, and loses much of their money.

3. In which city is Alexandra's father?
(a) Portland.
(b) Baltimore.
(c) Ann Arbor.
(d) Savannah.

4. What does Birdie say she wants to do with her money?
(a) Restore an old plantation.
(b) Ride horses in Savannah.
(c) Travel and hunt.
(d) Buy a pecan farm.

5. What does Alexandra say in Act 1 that irritates her mother?
(a) She never wants to see her father again.
(b) She won't bring her father home if he's too ill to travel.
(c) She won't go.
(d) She'll go, but won't come back.

6. Who originally owned the Lionnet?
(a) Regina's parents.
(b) Birdie's parents.
(c) Horace's parents.
(d) Oscar's grandmother.

7. Which of Regina's brothers isn't married?
(a) Horace.
(b) Ben.
(c) Oscar.
(d) Leo.

8. What business does the family want to start in their hometown?
(a) A dress shop.
(b) A train station.
(c) A cotton mill.
(d) A cotton gin.

9. Which character officially fits the title used by Mr. Marshall to describe the family?
(a) Horace.
(b) Regina.
(c) Birdie.
(d) Leo.

10. Who announces to the family that the dinner guests are about to enter the parlor?
(a) Ben.
(b) Leo.
(c) Oscar.
(d) Cal.

11. Why does Alexandra dismiss the notion of the unlikely marriage?
(a) They are cousins.
(b) She caught him dancing with another girl.
(c) She is jealous.
(d) They haven't even kissed yet.

12. Why does the family want the business in their hometown?
(a) To create the first mall.
(b) It opens new opportunities for the community.
(c) To improve travel for business and industry.
(d) It's more efficient, and thus more profitable.

13. Who takes Mr. Marshall back to his train?
(a) Ben and Horace.
(b) Ben and Leo.
(c) Leo and Alexandra.
(d) Oscar and Ben.

14. Which of her husband's hobbies does Birdie complain is useless?
(a) Painting.
(b) Shooting.
(c) Riding horses.
(d) Playing poker.

15. Who plays piano for Mr. Marshall?
(a) Leo and Alexandra.
(b) Birdie and Alexandra.
(c) Birdie and Horace.
(d) Cal and Addie.

Short Answer Questions

1. After their business dinner, how much time does the family have to come up with the money for their business deal?

2. As Mr. Marshall says his goodbyes, who commits to coming to his home town for a visit?

3. Who challenges Mr. Marshall's choice of term that he used in reference to the family?

4. What unlikely marriage would make the family very happy?

5. In Act 1, who is anxious to move?

(see the answer keys)

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