The Little Prince Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Little Prince Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the little prince ask about the poison which the snake has within it?
(a) You have good poison? You are sure it will not make me suffer long?
(b) Do you promise not to poison the pilot?
(c) Is your poison powerful enough to make me fly?
(d) How many times will you have to bite me before your poison works?

2. What does the first creature the prince meets on earth say he is more powerful than?
(a) The thundering elephant.
(b) The shining sun.
(c) The finger of a king.
(d) The truth.

3. Why is the fox so interested in the little prince's planet?
(a) There is room to roam.
(b) There are no problems there.
(c) Everyone is tame on the little prince's planet.
(d) There are no hunters there.

4. On his own planet, what does the little prince use the extinct volcano for?
(a) It is useless, so he doesn't use it at all.
(b) An oven.
(c) A landmark to find his way home.
(d) A footstool.

5. What does the little prince decide that they should look for to quench their thirst in Chapter XXIV?
(a) Death.
(b) Baobab trees.
(c) A bottle of thirst quenching pills.
(d) A well.

6. How does the author use light imagery in the chapter about trains?
(a) The trains are lit from the inside with lamplight.
(b) The trains create sparks on the tracks that light up the night.
(c) The trains can operate in the dark as well as the light.
(d) The trains are brilliantly lit as they thunder by.

7. In the rose garden, when the little prince realizes the truth of his life and of the things he loves, what does he do?
(a) He stamps his little foot and shouts for help.
(b) He runs and runs, as fast as his little legs will go.
(c) He lays down in the grass and cries.
(d) He gives up and goes back to the desert.

8. From his perch on the mountain, what does the little prince think of the world?
(a) That it is all together dry, pointed, harsh, and forbidding.
(b) That is it a magnificent and noble place.
(c) That is is quite exciting and glorious.
(d) That it is dangerous and dark.

9. Describe the flower which the little prince meets in the desert.
(a) It is a flower with three petals, a flower of no account at all.
(b) It is a flower which had fallen from a nearby by baobab tree, lonely and sad.
(c) It is a flower much like his own beloved flower, full of color and light.
(d) It is a flower full of haughty pride and great intellectual understanding.

10. According to the switchman, what are the adults in the trains pursuing?
(a) Nothing at all.
(b) Money and fame.
(c) Each other.
(d) Getting to their destination first.

11. What does the first creature the prince meets on earth offer the little prince?
(a) To teach him the difference between good and evil.
(b) To teach him all about the earth and its people.
(c) To guide him out of the desert.
(d) To send him back from whence he came.

12. Who hoists the bucket up from the bottom of the well to the surface?
(a) The snake.
(b) The little prince.
(c) The woman by the well.
(d) The pilot.

13. The little prince discovers a rose garden. What is it about this rose garden that makes him so sad?
(a) He believes there is too much beauty to take in.
(b) He realizes that his flower is not the only one of her kind in the universe.
(c) He falls in love with all the roses.
(d) He feels inferior to to the flowers.

14. Why does the geographer refuse to record the little prince's flower?
(a) The geographer doesn't like flowers.
(b) The geographer says that a flower is ephemeral.
(c) The geographer doesn't know how to spell flower.
(d) The geographer is allergic to flowers.

15. What does the little prince believe that the desert hides?
(a) Snakes that can kill.
(b) The secret of eternal youth.
(c) A home for the ages.
(d) A well.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the pilot think he is dreaming when he finds the well?

2. There would be two lamplighters who would be able to rest for most of the year. Where do they live?

3. What word is used to describe the great pageant of the lamplighters around the world, taking turns to bring light into the darkness?

4. How does the little prince feel when he first arrives on the earth?

5. What is the selling point which the pill merchant offers the little prince?

(see the answer keys)

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