Little House on the Prairie Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Little House on the Prairie Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is in the middle of the combs Pa brings Mary and Laura?
(a) A dog's head
(b) A triangle with flowers
(c) A flower
(d) A star

2. What does Pa say about the old trail by the house?
(a) He did not know Indians still used it
(b) It is called a low road
(c) The animals use it to get to the water
(d) It is not used by the deer

3. What does Mr. Edwards tell Ma about the Indians?
(a) They attacked the two bachelors last night
(b) They are meeting with the government next week
(c) They have all left
(d) They are all camped in the shelter of the bluffs

4. What do the girls wear to bed?
(a) Flower-pattern nightgowns
(b) Red flannel nightgowns
(c) Flannel pajama pants
(d) Cotton gingham nightgowns

5. What task must soon be done as the spring comes?
(a) Building a bridge
(b) Digging a new cellar
(c) Buying new land
(d) Plowing

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Pa do to prepare for possible problems with the Indians?

2. Who does Pa say has ridden past the house in the night?

3. What kind of berries do Ma and Laura go to pick?

4. How was Pa finally able to milk the cow?

5. Why does Pa bring Jack into the house the night he stops plowing early?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Mr. Scott and Mr. Edwards think about the prairie and what how do they feel about the Indians getting together?

2. What happens when Mr. Edwards stops by to do chores when Pa goes to Independence?

3. Why does Pa go to the Scotts’ in the middle of the night?

4. How does a prairie fire appear and what do Ma and Pa do about it? What is the result of their efforts?

5. How do Mary and Laura find out there is something going on with the Indians and what does Pa say is happening?

6. What does Pa say is the scream and how is the problem solved?

7. Why does the family worry about Pa getting back from Independence and what does he manage to bring with him without breaking it?

8. How does the Ingalls family become sick?

9. How does the family almost lose the furs Pa has collected and what do they lose?

10. Where does Pa take Mary and Laura in Chapter 14 and what do they find there?

(see the answer keys)

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