Little House on the Prairie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Little House on the Prairie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Pet deliver a colt?
(a) Right after the stable was built
(b) Right after the house was finished
(c) The day Ma sprained her ankle
(d) Before Pa met Mr. Edwards

2. What color is the table cloth in the cabin?
(a) Red checkered
(b) Red and yellow
(c) Blue
(d) Green

3. Why does Pa fill the tub with water in Chapter 4?
(a) So Ma can do the laundry
(b) So they can bathe Jack
(c) So the family can bathe
(d) For the horses to drink

4. What does Pa tell Laura could have caused trouble with the Indians?
(a) If the Indians had killed Jack
(b) If they had taken one of the girls
(c) If Ma had not handed over the meat
(d) If Jack had bitten one of them

5. What do Laura and Pa wish when they hear wolves?
(a) That the pack was not so close
(b) That Jack was with them
(c) That the wolves would finish hunting quickly and leave
(d) That they were already in a house

6. What happened to Ma when a log fell on her?
(a) It killed her
(b) It sprained her ankle
(c) It broke her ankle
(d) It sprained her arm

7. What kind of floor does Pa make for the cabin?
(a) A puncheon floor
(b) Gravel
(c) He leaves the floor dirt
(d) A brick floor

8. What does Pa tell the girls not to play with down at the creek?
(a) Rocks
(b) Snakes
(c) Frogs
(d) Spiders

9. What does Laura tell her Ma Laura would like to see now that they are in Indian territory?
(a) An Indian woman dressed in buckskins
(b) An Indian village
(c) A papoose
(d) A teepee

10. How does the family come to own two mustangs?
(a) They find them attached to a wagon whose owner is dead
(b) Pa catches them wild on the prairie
(c) Pa buys them
(d) Pa trades their horses for them

11. How far from Independence does Pa say they are in Chapter 4?
(a) 40 miles
(b) 60 miles
(c) 100 miles
(d) 35 miles

12. What are bothering the girls at the creek?
(a) There is a crow that keeps buzzing them
(b) Horseflies
(c) Jack is barking too much
(d) Mosquitoes

13. When does Pa decide they are going to leave?
(a) August
(b) The end of Winter
(c) Summer
(d) At the end of Spring

14. How does Pa hold together the cabin door?
(a) With ropes
(b) With sinews
(c) With pegs
(d) With nails

15. Where do Laura and Ma make the beds in Chapter 5?
(a) Under the wagon body
(b) Near the fire ring
(c) They don't make any beds
(d) Under the wagon canvas

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Laura doing at breakfast that her mother tells her to stop?

2. What wakes Laura in the middle of the night in Chapter 7?

3. What does Pa use for a temporary roof?

4. What does Ma do with the dish-cloth when she finishes the dishes?

5. What does Pa do with Jack when Pa leaves?

(see the answer keys)

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