Little Dorrit Test | Final Test - Medium

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Little Dorrit Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do Frederick and Amy bump into in an art gallery?
(a) The Barnacles.
(b) The Gowans.
(c) The Arthurs.
(d) The Dorrits.

2. How does Little Dorrit feel about her travels in comparison with the rest of her family?
(a) All of these answers are correct.
(b) She enjoys it about the same.
(c) She does not enjoy it as much.
(d) She enjoys it even more.

3. Who does Fanny hint to Amy is courting her?
(a) Henry.
(b) Sparkler.
(c) Franklin.
(d) Arthur.

4. What "secret" does Chivery tell Arthur while he is in debtors' prison?
(a) That Little Dorrit has been in love with him for years.
(b) That Arthur is actually the heir to the Scottish throne; he is really King Arthur.
(c) That there is a key hidden under the mattress that everyone uses.
(d) That everyone thinks he is in there on fake charges.

5. What does Dorrit ask for while at dinner with the Merdles?
(a) Money.
(b) Kisses from all the girls.
(c) More wine, even though he clearly doesn't need it.
(d) More food.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Dorrit treat John Chivery when he sees him waiting after his farewell dinner?

2. While Arthur is visiting, what brings about an argument between Tattycoram and Miss Wade?

3. What does Cavalletto do that makes Arthur think he may know Blandois?

4. How does Arthur's mom respond to Arthur's information about who Blandois really is?

5. Where does the Dorrit family decide to take up residence in a huge mansion for several months?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Minnie assume has happened to her dog?

2. What is the story behind Arthur's birth?

3. What does Mrs. Clennam request of Little Dorrit when she goes to find her at the debtors' prison?

4. Who does Dorrit recognize in his final days?

5. What does Merdle do during his visit with Fanny and Sparkler shortly before he dies?

6. What does Pancks tell Arthur about Casby and Wade?

7. Why is Flora's introduction of herself to Mr. Dorrit embarrassing?

8. What does Little Dorrit report to Arthur about Minnie's marriage?

9. What does Franny's marriage allow Dorrit entrance to?

10. What does Rigaud threaten will happen to Mrs. Clennam by the time the debtors' prison doors are closed if she does not pay his ransom demands?

(see the answer keys)

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