Little Brother Test | Final Test - Easy

Cory Doctorow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Little Brother Test | Final Test - Easy

Cory Doctorow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Marcus ashamed?
(a) For deserting the park.
(b) For inadvertently helping the police.
(c) Nothing.
(d) For believing in his idea of non-violence.

2. Why are Ange and Marcus upset with the news media?
(a) They are accepting payments from the government to keep in business.
(b) They are only presenting one side of the story about the concert.
(c) They have labeled Marcus and his group as thugs.
(d) They are not interested in exploring the civil rights violations.

3. What does Charles get angry about in Mrs. Galvez's class?
(a) He thinks she advocates violence.
(b) She gives them a pop quiz and he'd been sleeping.
(c) He believes she is condoning terrorism indirectly.
(d) He thinks she is downplaying the importance of the movement happening right now.

4. What do Marcus' parents ask him about Xnet?
(a) If he has been in contact with any radical organizations that use it.
(b) If he uses it.
(c) It they can log on to it.
(d) If it is legal.

5. What does the regular press say the xnetters are not taking seriously?
(a) The illegality of what they are doing.
(b) The need for the government to have some control.
(c) Terrorists threats.
(d) The use of bandwith for personal agendas.

6. What does Marcus read to support the idea of the government being abolished?
(a) A portion of Emerson's essay on the government.
(b) A portion of the Bill of Rights.
(c) The Gettysburg address.
(d) A portion of the Declaration of Independence.

7. How many kids does Marcus estimate are in the Civic Center?
(a) As many as a thousand.
(b) 300.
(c) 250.
(d) 550.

8. Who is Barbara Stratford?
(a) Marcus' aunt who works for a law firm.
(b) Darryl's aunt who is a cop.
(c) A reporter for the Bay Guardian.
(d) Marcus' father's lawyer.

9. Who apprehends Marcus?
(a) No one.
(b) Masha.
(c) Barbara.
(d) Charles.

10. What do Masha and Marcus do to not attract attention?
(a) Hold DHS badges in front of them.
(b) Affix press tags to their shirts.
(c) Change out of their costumes.
(d) Pretend to be maintenance personnel.

11. What do Ange and Marcus take turns doing at the interview with Barbara?
(a) Watching for police.
(b) Explaining to Barbara how the Xnet works.
(c) Sending messages to other Xnetters.
(d) Fielding Barbara's questions.

12. What do Masha and Marcus have in common?
(a) They are in the same social studies class.
(b) They are both arrested by the DHS immediately after the bombings.
(c) They went to the same elementary school.
(d) They both know Darryl.

13. Why do two boys who are jamming help Marcus?
(a) They had been arrested the day of the bombings also.
(b) They recognize his face.
(c) They know him from school.
(d) He tells them he is M1k3y.

14. Why do the police search the cell phones of those arrested?
(a) To understand the movement.
(b) To find passcodes.
(c) To find others to arrest.
(d) To find incriminating evidence to convict the teens arrested.

15. Who stops Masha and Marcus on the way out of the building?
(a) Ange.
(b) Van.
(c) Charles.
(d) Darryl.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the conference set up?

2. About what does Barbara warn Marcus concerning the story?

3. Why does Marcus tell his mother about what happened to him?

4. What does Marcus have to do during his suspension?

5. What format do Marcus and Ange use for the Xnet press conference?

(see the answer keys)

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