Little Brother Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cory Doctorow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Little Brother Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Cory Doctorow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do the cops say they have been watching Marcus?
(a) Because Marcus' principal pointed Marcus out as a potential troublemaker.
(b) Because Homeland Security asked them to.
(c) Because of where he's been traveling according to his BART pass.
(d) Because Marcus if friends with a known terrorist.

2. What happens when Marcus and his friends get to the BART station?
(a) They find it deserted.
(b) They are turned away as the place is full.
(c) They encounter a huge mob of people.
(d) They move smoothly with the flow of people.

3. What is a DHS worker using to search for Xnet nodes?
(a) A frequency modulator.
(b) A cable gieger.
(c) A wifinder.
(d) An oscilloscope.

4. How does Marcus contact Darryl?
(a) Texts him on his cell.
(b) Calls him on the cell.
(c) On a secret messenging program.
(d) Face to face.

5. What does Marcus try to do to get help?
(a) Stand on a bench and yell.
(b) Call on his cell phone.
(c) Nothing; it is impossible to do anything.
(d) Flag down a cop car or ambulance.

6. Besides BART, what do the police start using?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Internet usage data.
(c) The FasTrak system.
(d) Car sevice records.

7. What does Marcus tell his parents when he gets home?
(a) They were taken to a safe space and held until the government determined it was safe.
(b) They were quarantined in San Rafael.
(c) They were quarantined in Oakland.
(d) They were kidnapped by terrorists.

8. What has happened to Darryl?
(a) He is stabbed.
(b) He is trampled when he falls.
(c) He is lost in the crowd.
(d) He breaks his ankle when the jump the tracks.

9. What solution does Jolu offer Marcus?
(a) Changing the definition of normal Internet usage.
(b) Using a coding screen.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Mixing formats so there is no pattern.

10. Where do the captors set up interviews?
(a) Behind a screen in the truck.
(b) In the motel lobby.
(c) In a janitor's closet.
(d) In the cab of the truck.

11. What were some kids caught doing?
(a) Skipping school.
(b) Hiding terrorists.
(c) Jamming passes.
(d) Jamming phone lines.

12. About what does Marcus' father apologize to Marcus?
(a) For not supporting Marcus in Marcus' bid for class president.
(b) For making Marcus make up his classwork.
(c) Marcus' father's earlier opinion of tracking.
(d) For not siding with Marcus when Marcus is retained by homeland security.

13. Where does the gang go to talk?
(a) Marcus' home.
(b) Darryl's house.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) Their secret meeting place in the Tenderloin.

14. For whom does Jolu work?
(a) Marcus' dad.
(b) An internet service provider.
(c) He is self employed.
(d) The government.

15. What do the authorities believe about the false positives?
(a) It is due to negligence by computer operators.
(b) It is due to the terrorists.
(c) It is a glitch in the programming.
(d) It is due to poorly-trained personnel.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Vanessa suggest?

2. What DVD does Marcus use in his communication attempts?

3. What does the girl who takes their picture say?

4. What does Marcus later say might have been better for him to have done at this point?

5. Who hugs Marcus from behind?

(see the answer keys)

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