Literary Theory: An Introduction Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Literary Theory: An Introduction Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 3, Structuralism and Semiotics.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Eagleton, "In the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, the word ______seems to have been used about true and fictional events."
(a) News.
(b) Theory.
(c) Memoir.
(d) Novel.

2. According to Eagleton, Gibbon and the authors of Genesis share what in common?
(a) Both wrote fiction that is read as historical fact.
(b) Both wrote historical truth that is read as fiction.
(c) Both wrote fiction that is read as fact by some and fiction by others.
(d) They both thought they were writing historical truth, but are read as fact by some and fiction by others.

3. Eagleton's goal in "Literary Theory: An Introduction" is to provide a comprehensive account of literary theory for whom?
(a) Those who have specialised knowledge of literary theory.
(b) Those with extensive knowledge of literary theory.
(c) Those with little knowledge of literary theory.
(d) Those who have some knowledge of literary theory.

4. From the viewpoint of Roland Barthes, Eagleton argues that "reading is less like a _______ than a _________."
(a) "Laboratory; boudoir."
(b) "Philosophy; laboratory."
(c) "Boudoir; laboratory."
(d) "Boudoir; system."

5. According to the Russian formalist Osip Brik, Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" would have been written if Pushkin had what?
(a) Married early.
(b) Died young.
(c) Not lived.
(d) Been uneducated.

Short Answer Questions

1. For Eagleton, E.D. Hirsch attempts to "offer a form of knowledge" that is what?

2. Eagleton writes that "New Criticism was the ideology of an ________, _______intelligentsia who reinvented in literature what they could not locate in reality."

3. In the eighteenth-century, what was the whole body of writing in society considered, including philosophy, letters, history, poems, and essays?

4. According to Eagleton, in the romantic aesthetic theory the meaning of the word literature became what?

5. According to Eagleton, what does his book try to demonstrate about a body of literary theory?

(see the answer key)

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