Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Final Test - Hard

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Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which major character enters an emotionless "precatatonic stage...with neither the desire to live or speak normally" (p. 109)?

2. Why did Lisa Shilling and Betsy Goodman look to Elizabeth Frazer for answers to Lisa's problems?

3. During a barbecue near the end of the school year, Elizabeth Frazer deliberately provkes Lisa Shilling. Why does she do this?

4. Lisa Shilling disappears while she is at Betsy Goodman's house waiting for Mary Nell Fickett and Elizabeth Frazer to arrive. Where does Lisa go?

5. After Betsy Goodman, Mary Nell Fickett, and Elizabeth Frazer feel they have not been able to help Lisa Shilling, what does Mrs. Goodman advise them to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. Betsy Goodman believes at one point that she might gain valuable insight into Lisa Shilling's condition simply by watching an Elizabeth Taylor movie. Describe Betsy's reasoning and comment upon it.

2. Betsy Goodman meets with Mr. Bernstein several times and he explains why he cannot become involved. Yet she continues to turn to him for help. Why does Betsy continue to attempt to rely on Mr. Bernstein?

3. As the novel points out, Mr. and Mrs. Shilling ultimately are the legally responsible persons for the care of the daughter Lisa. After reading of their stubborn refusal to admit there is a problem, is this the approach that society should continue to utilize for child rearing?

4. Describe some of Lisa Shilling's self-destructive behaviors.

5. How does Betsy Goodman's focus on movie stars help develop the plot?

6. Mr. Milne makes a few attempts to have Lisa Shilling's condition accepted and treated. He calls upon the school authorities in a formal and, later, an informal manner. He also meets with Rev. Fickett and Mr. Shilling directly. His attempts meet with failure as first Bernstein and the school administration and later Mr. Shilling stonewall him. Should Milne have done anything differently? Should Milne have given up when he did?

7. What techniques does Mrs. Shilling utilize to ignore her daughter Lisa's symptoms of mental illness?

8. The Reverend Fickett makes a personal attempt to have Lisa Shilling's condition accepted and treated. With Mr. Milne, a school teacher, he calls upon Mr. Shilling directly. His attempt meets with failure as Mr. Shilling stonewalls him. Should Rev. Fickett have done anything differently? Should Rev. Fickett have given up when he did?

9. Mary Nell Fickett believes that she might fully master the study of abnormal psychology by reading many books. Describe Mary Nell's reasoning and comment upon it.

10. After Lisa Shilling deliberately walks through a glass window she is hospitalized with fairly serious injuries. She remains in the hospital for at least a few days. Mary Nell Fickett assumes that this suicide attempt necessarily will involve social workers who will force Mr. and Mrs. Shilling to confront Lisa's mental illness. However, this does not occur. Why?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Which character causes the most harm to Lisa Shilling--Mr. Bernstein, Mr. Shilling, or Mrs. Shilling? Explain and defend your selection.

Essay Topic 2

Of the four primary fathers in the novel--Mr. Shilling, Mr. Goodman, Rev. Fickett, and Mr. Frazer--who would you most like to have as a father? Why?

Essay Topic 3

The narrator describes many traits of her friends in terms of movie stars or other famous people. In particular, Betsy likes Paul Newman and Cher. If you were revising the novel for today's teenagers, which celebrities would you select to replace Paul Newman, Cher, Joanna Woodward, Shirley MacLaine, and others? How would this process update your understanding of the characters?

(see the answer keys)

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