Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Elizabeth Frazer bluntly states that Lisa Shilling needs to be placed in a mental institution, how does Mrs. Shilling (Lisa's mother) respond?
(a) She slaps Elizabeth and tells her to stay away from Lisa.
(b) She embraces Elizabeth and thanks her for her concern.
(c) She says she'd like to help but Mr. Shilling has forbidden it.
(d) She tells Elizabeth that Lisa is already on the way to an asylum.

2. Lisa Shilling has her friends promise that they will do something if she becomes violent. What do they promise to do?
(a) To keep it secret.
(b) To run away.
(c) To capture the episode on video.
(d) To call the police.

3. By the end of the school year, when Betsy Goodman or Elizabeth Frazer asks Lisa Shilling a question, how does Lisa usually respond?
(a) By repeating the question back at them.
(b) By always answering yes.
(c) By ignoring them.
(d) By saying she doesn't know the answer.

4. After Lisa Shilling attacks Elizabeth Frazer how does she [Lisa] behave?
(a) She runs around town telling everyone about her victory.
(b) She tells the police Elizabeth attacked her.
(c) She puts iodine and bandages on Elizabeth's wounds.
(d) She falls into a sort of catatonic stupor.

5. Which major character has frequent visual and audible hallucinations?
(a) Elizabeth Frazer.
(b) Lisa Shilling.
(c) Mary Nell Fickett.
(d) Betsy Goodman.

Short Answer Questions

1. Elizabeth Frazer agrees to try to help Lisa Shilling only after...

2. Which major character is described as "a tall, blonde girl who seemed contained from within by taut wires strung from shoulder to shoulder, from head to hip. Self-contained and beautiful and distant, and suddenly mysterious" (pp. 59-60)?

3. As Lisa Shilling's mental condition continues to deteriorate, what are some of the things she does that are disconcerting to Betsy Goodman?

4. Who emotionally begs Rev. Fickett and Mr. Milne to do more to convince Lisa Shilling's father that Lisa needs immediate mental health care?

5. What does Lisa Shilling hope to accomplish by walking deliberately through a floor-to-ceiling window?

Short Essay Questions

1. What techniques does Mrs. Shilling utilize to ignore her daughter Lisa's symptoms of mental illness?

2. Between Elizabeth Frazer, Mary Nell Fickett, and Betsy Goodman, which character tries the least to understand Lisa Shilling's diagnosis?

3. As the novel points out, Mr. and Mrs. Shilling ultimately are the legally responsible persons for the care of the daughter Lisa. After reading of their stubborn refusal to admit there is a problem, is this the approach that society should continue to utilize for child rearing?

4. The Reverend Fickett makes a personal attempt to have Lisa Shilling's condition accepted and treated. With Mr. Milne, a school teacher, he calls upon Mr. Shilling directly. His attempt meets with failure as Mr. Shilling stonewalls him. Should Rev. Fickett have done anything differently? Should Rev. Fickett have given up when he did?

5. Mary Nell Fickett and Betsy Goodman briefly consider inviting Lisa Shilling's younger sister Tracy to their group therapy sessions. They decide against it. Why do they decide against it?

6. Describe Lisa Shilling's punctuality and dependability.

7. When discussing a movie about mental illness with her friends, Lisa Shilling comments on one particular aspect or scene of the movie that makes her uncomfortable. What is that aspect?

8. Lisa Shilling occasionally talks in a deep, sultry voice with a notable English accent. Betsy Goodman associates this English-sounding Lisa with the dark Lisa. In popular psychology, what type of mental illness would account for this distinction?

9. After Lisa Shilling deliberately walks through a glass window she is hospitalized with fairly serious injuries. She remains in the hospital for at least a few days. Mary Nell Fickett assumes that this suicide attempt necessarily will involve social workers who will force Mr. and Mrs. Shilling to confront Lisa's mental illness. However, this does not occur. Why?

10. Betsy Goodman meets with Mr. Bernstein several times and he explains why he cannot become involved. Yet she continues to turn to him for help. Why does Betsy continue to attempt to rely on Mr. Bernstein?

(see the answer keys)

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