Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Just after Brian Morris breaks up with her, Lisa Shilling begins to befriend which major character?
(a) Mary Nell Fickett.
(b) Neil Donovan.
(c) Betsy Goodman.
(d) Elizabeth Frazer.

2. Lisa Shilling's only sibling is..
(a) Ben, a younger brother.
(b) Tracy, a younger sister.
(c) Elizabeth, an older sister.
(d) Brian, an older brother.

3. After Lisa Shilling's self-mutilation episode at school, her parents performed what action?
(a) They filed a lawsuit against the school.
(b) They filed a restraining order against Brian Morris.
(c) They incarcerated Lisa in a mental institution.
(d) They sent Lisa alone to Florida for six weeks.

4. Which character begins the novel with a goal to be the first woman justice on the Supreme Court and ends the novel contemplating a career in psychology?
(a) Elizabeth Frazer.
(b) Mary Nell Fickett.
(c) Lisa Shilling.
(d) Betsy Goodman.

5. Which character is described by the narrator as a "quiet, distinguished-looking man about sixty who has real style...[he] can talk with you and make you feel instantly at home" (p. 30)?
(a) Mr. Bernstein.
(b) Rev. Fickett.
(c) Mr. Frazer.
(d) Mr. Shilling.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Betsy Goodman and Mary Nell Fickett finally tell Lisa Shilling that the know she is mentally ill, Lisa Shilling responds by...

2. According to the narrator, Jeremy Bernstein's primary job function is...

3. The novel is set in what U.S. State?

4. How does Lisa Shilling react when Brian Morris breaks up with her?

5. Which character is described by the narrator as looking "like Shelley Winters playing a roadhouse pick-up...stretch-pants two sizes too small, preshrunk sweaters with classic midriff bulge, a fur coat slung over her shoulders, and a scarf hiding the curlers in her hair" (p. 29)?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is chapter one presented in italic type face?

2. Why does Lisa Shilling find herself attracted to Elizabeth Frazer, as a potential friend?

3. Why does Elizabeth Frazer gradually become the de facto decision-maker of what is and is not good for Lisa Shilling?

4. Describe the family situation of the four main characters.

5. In what is Mr. Shilling primarily interested?

6. Why does the narrator spend so much time establishing which protagonist is better looking, which is more intelligent, and which is from a wealthier family?

7. Describe the chronology of the four main characters' friendships (in other words, who is friends with whom first).

8. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Shilling ignore their daughter's repeated assertions that she is mentally ill?

9. Who is the narrator in chapter one?

10. What kind of a job does Jeremy Bernstein do as the high school guidance counselor?

(see the answer keys)

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