Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How extensive are Lisa Shilling's physical wounds after she walks through a floor-to-ceiling window?
(a) Her head and leg are cut but they are not severe wounds.
(b) Her right hand is severed and she also has numerous minor wounds.
(c) Her heavy winter coat protected her almost completely from any wounds.
(d) Her wounds prove fatal.

2. What does Betsy Goodman conclude in the definition of madness?
(a) A chemical imbalance in the brain.
(b) Being paranoid without a good reason.
(c) Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
(d) Doing just the opposite of what you wanted to do.

3. After Lisa Shilling attacks Elizabeth Frazer how does she [Lisa] behave?
(a) She runs around town telling everyone about her victory.
(b) She tells the police Elizabeth attacked her.
(c) She puts iodine and bandages on Elizabeth's wounds.
(d) She falls into a sort of catatonic stupor.

4. Lisa Shilling's little sister Tracy, twelve years old, believes something is wrong with Lisa. What symptoms does she disclose to Mary Nell Fickett?
(a) Lisa speaks in gibberish all the time and cracks her knuckles a lot.
(b) Lisa spends most nights standing in the corner crying and most mornings eating cupcakes.
(c) Lisa never talks and stares at things.
(d) Lisa will only wear yellow clothes and only eat yellow foods.

5. With only three weeks left in the school year, what does Mr. Bernstein hope for?
(a) That Rev. Fickett will let him join another church.
(b) That he will win the lottery before he loses his job.
(c) That Betsy Goodman will pass her classes and graduate.
(d) That Lisa Shilling will complete school and become someone else's problem.

6. Mary Nell Fickett states Lisa Shilling's diagnosis is "'a paranoid or a schizophrenic, and maybe both together'" (p. 68). Elizabeth Frazer disagrees and states Lisa's diagnosis is...
(a) Agoraphobic distemper.
(b) Psychotic personality.
(c) Nymphomania.
(d) Anorexia nervosa.

7. When Mrs. Shilling arrived at the Goodman house just after Lisa Shilling's accident and saw a broken window, what was her first assumption?
(a) That someone pushed Lisa through the window..
(b) That Lisa broke the window playing baseball
(c) That Lisa pushed Betsy Goodman through the window.
(d) That Lisa accidentally fell through the window.

8. One night right before the end of the school year Betsy Goodman, Elizabeth Frazer, Mary Nell Fickett, and Lisa Shilling are talking at the Goodman house. What happens right after Mr. Goodman walks into the room?
(a) Lisa attacks Elizabeth and tries to shove her into the fireplace.
(b) Betsy invites her father to watch the movie Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys! .
(c) Lisa deliberately walks through a floor-to-ceiling window.
(d) Mary Nell announces her parents are getting divorced.

9. Lisa Shilling tells her friends that she is always tired. Why is she always tired?
(a) Because when she tries to sleep she hears many voices talking to her.
(b) Because she sneaks out at night to visit her boyfriend Brian Morris.
(c) Because her father makes her clean house for several hours every night.
(d) Because she likes to stay up late watching television.

10. Which major character has frequent visual and audible hallucinations?
(a) Lisa Shilling.
(b) Elizabeth Frazer.
(c) Betsy Goodman.
(d) Mary Nell Fickett.

11. By the end of the school year, which major character is the least optimistic about Lisa Shilling's chances for recovery?
(a) Paul Newman.
(b) Betsy Goodman.
(c) Mary Nell Fickett.
(d) Elizabeth Frazer.

12. What happens on the first organized group therapy session including Lisa Shilling, Elizabeth Frazer, Mary Nell Fickett, and Betsy Goodman?
(a) Elizabeth slaps Lisa.
(b) Nothing, because Lisa avoids the scheduled meeting.
(c) Mary Nell cries when Lisa is mean to her.
(d) Lisa denies she has a problem.

13. As the group therapy sessions continue, why does Mary Nell Fickett lose confidence?
(a) Because Elizabeth Frazer is much more beautiful than Mary Nell.
(b) She realizes she is not in charge.
(c) Because Lisa Shilling doesn't seem to get any better.
(d) She realizes she doesn't know anything about psychology.

14. After Lisa Shilling walks through a floor-to-ceiling window and is taken to the hospital, Mr. Goodman, Betsy Goodman, Mary Nell Fickett, and Elizabeth Frazer all attempt to convince Mrs. Shilling that Lisa's actions were a cry for help. How does Mrs. Shilling respond?
(a) She tells the girls they are making it all up.
(b) She thinks Betsy has tried to harm Lisa.
(c) She believes them.
(d) She thinks Lisa was pushed by Betsy.

15. As Mary Nell Fickett's confidence sinks, what happens to Betsy Goodman?
(a) Betsy loses interest in helping Lisa Shilling.
(b) Betsy's confidence increases.
(c) Betsy's confidence sinks, too.
(d) Betsy develops a crush on Elizabeth Frazer.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Mr. Shilling rejects Rev. Fickett's and Mr. Milne's request to obtain medical help for Lisa Shilling, what does Rev. Fickett say to his daughter?

2. Which major character does Mrs. Shilling address as "'some sixteen-year-old bitch-to-be'" (p. 116)?

3. After Lisa Shilling berates Mary Nell Fickett for quite some time, what does she do?

4. Elizabeth Frazer, Betsy Goodman, and Mary Nell Fickett's intense and initial conversation about diagnosing Lisa Shilling is interrupted when...

5. Why does Lisa Shilling wait until Mr. Goodman is in the room before she deliberately walks through a floor-to-ceiling window?

(see the answer keys)

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