Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Lisa, Bright and Dark Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The narrator describes which major character as fulfilling the role of school princess (that is, regal, cool, far off, blonde, and slim)?
(a) Lisa Shilling.
(b) Betsy Goodman.
(c) Mary Nell Fickett.
(d) Elizabeth Frazer.

2. Where do Betsy Goodman, Mary Nell Fickett, and Lisa Shilling first meet for an impromptu group therapy session?
(a) At a popular diner.
(b) At the Shillings' house.
(c) At the Ficketts' house.
(d) At the Long Island public library.

3. Lisa sarcastically says she admires a particular books titled...
(a) Principles of Abnormal Psychology by Maslow and Mittelmann.
(b) The Voyeur by Robbe-Grillet (translated by Howard).
(c) Moby Dick by Melville.
(d) Lisa, Bright and Dark by Neufeld.

4. Elizabeth Frazer agrees to try to help Lisa Shilling...
(a) If Lisa will do Elizabeth's homework for a month.
(b) If she [Elizabeth] can date Brian Morris.
(c) Without any conditions.
(d) If she [Elizabeth] gets paid for her time.

5. When Betsy Goodman finds Mary Nell Fickett and Lisa Shilling in Mr. Milne's classroom, Lisa Shilling is hiding underneath Mr. Milne's desk and doing what?
(a) Sobbing about her break up with Brian Morris.
(b) Copying the answer key to the next day's examination.
(c) Repeatedly sticking a pin into her wrist.
(d) Reading a book about psychiatry.

6. After Lisa Shilling's first public outburst of irrational behavior amidst a group of friends occurred, Mary Nell Fickett apologized by saying...
(a) It was Lisa's menstrual cycle..
(b) Betsy and Lisa had been using psychedelic drugs.
(c) She and Lisa were stressed about school
(d) That Lisa had just broken up with her boyfriend.

7. Which major character says "'You're right about Lisa. You can't even begin to imagine how sick she is. But if you're going to sign up here, you have to expect a lot of rough play'" (p. 58)?
(a) Elizabeth Frazer.
(b) Paul Newman.
(c) Betsy Goodman.
(d) Mary Nell Fickett.

8. The opening chapter of the novel is a conversation held in the kitchen belonging to which family?
(a) Shilling.
(b) Frazer.
(c) Fickett.
(d) Goodman.

9. The narrator states that adults prevent anyone from "get[ting] to the truth" (p. 27) because they are...
(a) Afraid to admit they have failed.
(b) Evil and don't want to let anyone know the truth.
(c) Trying to shield their children from unpleasant things.
(d) Unable to comprehend the truth.

10. The novel begins with a recalled conversation between Lisa Shilling and her parents. Which of Lisa's acquaintances is present for the conversation?
(a) Mary Nell Fickett.
(b) Betsy Goodman.
(c) Brian Morris.
(d) Elizabeth Frazer.

11. Why does Lisa wait until her friend is present to talk about a serious medical condition with her parents?
(a) She hopes that her friend will act as a witness.
(b) The medical condition was caused by her friend.
(c) The medical condition is about her friend.
(d) She wants her friend to pay for the treatment.

12. What trait is referred to in the novel as "'Locust Valley Lockjaw'" (p. 30)?
(a) Refusing to say something bad about someone.
(b) Talking without moving your mouth.
(c) Refusing to apologize for anything.
(d) Refusing to eat insects.

13. Which major character suggests that Elizabeth Frazer should join Lisa Shilling's impromptu group therapy sessions?
(a) Lisa Shilling.
(b) Mary Nell Fickett.
(c) Elizabeth Frazer.
(d) Betsy Goodman.

14. Which character is the youngest major character of the novel?
(a) Mary Nell Fickett.
(b) Lisa Shilling.
(c) Elizabeth Frazer.
(d) Betsy Goodman.

15. Before moving to Long Island, Mary Nell Fickett lived in what U.S. State?
(a) Nevada.
(b) Montana.
(c) Utah.
(d) California.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Lisa Shilling's self-mutilation episode at school, Jeremy Bernstein diagnoses Lisa's condition as...

2. While Mary Nell Fickett talks to Mrs. Shilling about Lisa Shilling, Betsy Goodman talks to whom?

3. According to the narrator, who is "the gasp!!!!" (p. 23) of the school?

4. Lisa Shilling's conversation with her parents opens the novel. Lisa tries to talk to her parents about something important. Lisa's mother, Mrs. Shilling, responds by doing what?

5. The narrator describes Jeremy Bernstein as being shaped like what letter of the alphabet?

(see the answer keys)

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