Lisa, Bright and Dark Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lisa, Bright and Dark Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 16 - 20 (Pages 97 - 130).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what reason does the narrator believes that Mr. Bernstein and the school will not act in Lisa Shilling's best interests?
(a) Because they don't believe Lisa has a problem.
(b) Because they are afraid of Lisa's parents' social influence.
(c) Because they enjoy watching students suffer.
(d) Because they believe Betsy Goodman is telling lies.

2. Mr. Bernstein refuses to talk to Mr. Shilling about Lisa Shilling's mental condition because...
(a) He thinks Mr. Shilling will hit him.
(b) He doesn't think Lisa has a problem.
(c) He doesn't think it's his place.
(d) He is afraid of the social ramifications.

3. One night right before the end of the school year Betsy Goodman, Elizabeth Frazer, Mary Nell Fickett, and Lisa Shilling are talking at the Goodman house. What happens right after Mr. Goodman walks into the room?
(a) Lisa attacks Elizabeth and tries to shove her into the fireplace.
(b) Lisa deliberately walks through a floor-to-ceiling window.
(c) Mary Nell announces her parents are getting divorced.
(d) Betsy invites her father to watch the movie Rally 'Round the Flag, Boys! .

4. Rev. Fickett and Mr. Milne, a schoolteacher, talk to Mr. Shilling about Lisa Shilling's situation. Why is Mrs. Shilling not present for that conversation?
(a) She deliberately leaves the house to avoid the discussion.
(b) The discussion was held at a men's club where women were not allowed.
(c) She was in the hospital recovering from surgery.
(d) She was not invited.

5. What diagnosis is described by "when someone wants to do something and yet knows he shouldn't, he reaches out for the thing he shouldn't have, remembers he shouldn't have it, and pulls back. He can go through this for hours, days, years, which makes him absolutely motionless, afraid to do anything" (p. 62)?
(a) Downs syndrome.
(b) Approach-avoidance conflict.
(c) Obesity.
(d) Schizophrenia.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Mary Nell Fickett becomes more self-educated about psychology, what irritating behavior does she start to exhibit?

2. Betsy Goodman wants Lisa Shilling to teach her how to do what strange behavior?

3. Mary Nell Fickett states Lisa Shilling's diagnosis is "'a paranoid or a schizophrenic, and maybe both together'" (p. 68). Elizabeth Frazer disagrees and states Lisa's diagnosis is...

4. After Lisa Shilling walks through a floor-to-ceiling window and is taken to the hospital, Mr. Goodman, Betsy Goodman, Mary Nell Fickett, and Elizabeth Frazer all attempt to convince Mrs. Shilling that Lisa's actions were a cry for help. How does Mrs. Shilling respond?

5. As the group therapy sessions continue, why does Mary Nell Fickett lose confidence?

(see the answer key)

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